1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2150, the delete everything amendment
1.2(A14-0976), as follows:
1.3Page 6, line 19, after the period insert "
During this period, the commissioner
1.4shall provide technical assistance on how to achieve and maintain compliance with
1.5applicable law or rules governing the provision of home and community-based services,
1.6including complying with the service recipient rights notice in subdivision 4, paragraph
1.7(4). If during the survey, the commissioner finds that the licensee has failed to achieve
1.8compliance with an applicable law or rule under chapter 245D and this failure does not
1.9imminently endanger the health, safety, or rights of the persons served by the program, the
1.10commissioner may issue a licensing survey report with recommendations for achieving
1.11and maintaining compliance."
1.12Page 8, after line 31, insert:
1.13 "
Subd. 9. Study and report about client bills of rights. The commissioner shall
1.14consult with Aging Services of Minnesota, Care Providers of Minnesota, Minnesota Home
1.15Care Association, Department of Human Services, the Ombudsman for Long-Term Care,
1.16and other stakeholders to review how to streamline the client bills of rights requirements
1.17in Minnesota Statutes, sections 144A.44, 144A.441, and 245D.04 for providers whose
1.18practices fit into one or several of these practice areas, while assuring and maintaining the
1.19health and safety of clients. The evaluation shall consider the federal client bill of rights
1.20requirements for Medicare certified home care providers. The evaluation must determine
1.21whether there are duplications or conflicts of client rights, evaluate how to reduce the
1.22complexity of the client bills of rights requirements for providers and consumers, determine
1.23which of the rights must be included in a client bill of rights document, and evaluate
1.24whether there are other ways to assure that consumers know their rights. The commissioner
1.25shall report to the chairs of the health and human services committees of the legislature no
1.26later than February 15, 2015, along with any recommendations for legislative changes."
1.27Page 8, line 32, delete "
8" and insert "