1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2180, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 1, delete section 3
1.3Page 3, delete section 4
1.4Page 9, delete section 14 and insert:
1.5 "Sec. 14.
1.6(a) $1,000,000 is appropriated for fiscal year 2015 from the general fund to the
1.7commissioner of management and budget to comply with the requirements of Minnesota
1.8Statutes, section 43A.316.
1.9(b) The commissioner of management and budget shall report by January 15,
1.102015, to the legislative chairs and ranking minority members with jurisdiction over state
1.11government finance on the ongoing costs incurred by the public employees insurance
1.12program in compliance with the requirements of this act and may request additional
1.13appropriations, if necessary."
1.14Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.15Amend the title accordingly