1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2397, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H2397DE1), as follows:
1.3Page 105, delete section 46 and insert:
1.4 "Sec. 46.
1.7(a) A legislative study group on better aligning Minnesota's alternative teacher
1.8professional pay system under Minnesota Statutes, sections 122A.413 to 122A.416, and
1.9Minnesota's teacher evaluation program under Minnesota Statutes, sections 122A.40,
1.10subdivision 8, and 122A.41, subdivision 5, is established to develop proposals to effect
1.11and fund an improved alignment of this system and program.
1.12 (b) The following individuals shall serve: six current members of the Minnesota
1.13house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house and the house minority
1.14leader with three from each political party, and where at least one house member is
1.15from the seven-county metropolitan area and at least one house member is from greater
1.16Minnesota; and six current members of the Minnesota senate appointed by the senate
1.17and the senate minority leader, with three from each political party, and where at least
1.18one senate member is from the seven-county metropolitan area and at least one senate
1.19member is from greater Minnesota.
1.20(c) The Legislative Coordinating Commission shall convene the first meeting of the
1.21study group by August 1, 2014. Study group members shall select a study group chair.
1.22The study group must meet at least monthly. Study group members are encouraged to seek
1.23input from individuals, representatives of organizations, and other education stakeholders
1.24whose expertise can help inform the work of the study group.
1.25(d) Study group members, by February 1, 2015, must complete their written
1.26proposals on better aligning and financing the alternative teacher professional pay system
2.1and teacher evaluation program and submit their proposals to K-12 education policy
2.2and finance committees of the legislature.
2.3EFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective the day following final enactment."