1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 2917 as follows:
1.2Page 1, delete section 1 and insert:
1.3 "Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 2013 Supplement, section 428A.02, subdivision 1,
1.4is amended to read:
1.5 Subdivision 1.
Ordinance. (a) The governing body of a city may adopt an ordinance
1.6establishing a special service district. Only property that is
wholly or partially classified
1.7as class 3 under section
273.13 and used for commercial, industrial, or public utility
1.8purposes, or is vacant land zoned or designated on a land use plan for commercial or
1.9industrial use and located in the special service district,
may be is subject to the charges
1.10imposed by the city on the special service district. Other
types of property properties may
1.11be included within the boundaries of the special service district but are not subject to the
1.12levies or charges imposed by the city on the special service district.
1.13 (b) If
50 percent or more of the estimated market value of a parcel of property
1.14is classified under section
273.13 as commercial, industrial, or vacant land zoned or
1.15designated on a land use plan for commercial or industrial use, or public utility for the
1.16current assessment year a property is subject to a service charge based on net tax capacity,
1.17then the entire taxable market value of the property
, including any portion not classified
1.18as class 3, is subject to
a the service charge
based on net tax capacity for purposes of
428A.01 to
1.20 (c) The ordinance shall describe with particularity the area within the city to be
1.21included in the district and the special services to be furnished in the district. The
1.22ordinance may not be adopted until after a public hearing has been held on the question.
1.23Notice of the hearing shall include the time and place of hearing, a map showing the
1.24boundaries of the proposed district, and a statement that all persons owning property in the
1.25proposed district that would be subject to a service charge will be given opportunity to be
1.26heard at the hearing. Within 30 days after adoption of the ordinance under this subdivision,
1.27the governing body shall send a copy of the ordinance to the commissioner of revenue."