I. Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
IV. Bills
• HF1306 (Jordan) - Kindergarten through grade 12 education changes made; general education, education excellence, charter schools, Read Act, special education, school nutrition, and state agencies provisions modified; and reports required.
o This is the Minnesota Department of Education agency bill, which will serve as a vehicle for the committee’s policy bill.
• Amendments will be posted to the committee webpage as they are available.
• Other bills previously heard and laid over maybe added to the agenda.
V. Adjournment
Testimony: Individuals wishing to testify and/or provide written testimony/handouts to the posted amendments (as they become available) should contact both Wilson Lee via email at wilson.lee@house.mn.gov and Jody Withers via email at jody.withers@house.mn.gov by 3:00 PM on Monday, March 31, 2025.
• Testimony will be limited regarding provisions previously heard in committee.
Markup of DE Amendment to HF1306 (Jordan) - Kindergarten through grade 12 education changes made; general education, education excellence, charter schools, Read Act, special education, school nutrition, and state agencies provisions modified; and reports required.
Other bills previously heard and laid over may be added.
Testimony for bills were previously taken.
Amendments: Bill Authors and Committee Members wishing to present an amendment must submit amendments via email to Wilson Lee via email at wilson.lee@house.mn.gov and Jody Withers at jody.withers@house.mn.gov.