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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Elections Finance and Government Operations

2025-2026 Regular Session

Meets: Monday and Wednesday, 1 p.m. in Capitol G23
Committee Co-Chair: Rep. Duane Quam 24A
Committee Co-Chair: Rep. Mike Freiberg 43B
Committee Co-Vice Chair: Rep. Pam Altendorf 20A
Committee Co-Vice Chair: Rep. Liz Lee 67A


GOP Committee Administrator: Pat Kaluza ,
DFL Committee Administrator: Wilson Lee,

GOP Committee Legislative Assistant: Rebecca Reiners ,
DFL Committee Legislative Assistant: Chris Olendorf,

Committee Documents

Meeting Minutes

Upcoming Meetings

Wednesday, April 2, 2025 at 1:00 PM
Chair: Rep. Duane Quam
Location: Capitol G23

HF 2098 (Freiberg) will serve as the vehicle for the Local Government Policy Omnibus

HF 1378 (Freiberg) will serve as the vehicle for the Elections Policy Omnibus

HF 1378 will be heard pending rereferral.

  • HF2792 (Niska) - Certain legal fees and expenses relating to Minnesota Chamber of Commerce v. Choi funding provided, and money appropriated.
  • HF1917 (Anderson) - Definition of public official in a city or county modified.
  • HF2083 (Zeleznikar) - Revenue threshold requiring cities to perform annual audits raised.
  • HF1665 (Schomacker) - Public water and sewer systems authorized to install water and sewer pipelines in public road rights-of-way.
  • HF1667 (Schomacker) - Water and sewer districts added to the definition of municipality, and maximum tort liability for certain water and sewer districts set.
  • HF2709 (Jones) - Canvassing access to multiple unit buildings by candidates and census workers standards modified.
  • HF1378 (Freiberg) - Elections; filing dates and reporting requirements modified.
  • HF2098 (Freiberg) - Metropolitan Council; procedures and review period for certain metropolitan programs modified, reporting requirements for expenditures modified, and report eliminated.