Thomas E. Huntley, Chair
Chair Huntley called the thirty-first meeting to order at 8:18 a.m. on Tuesday, March 27, 2007, in Room 10 of the State Office Building. A quorum was present. The clerk noted the roll:
Members present:
Huntley, Thomas, Chair
Hosch, Larry, Vice-Chair
Abeler, Jim
Anderson, Bruce
Brod, Laura
Bunn, Julie
Dean, Matt
Erickson, Sondra
Fritz, Patti
Gottwalt, Steve
Liebling, Tina
Loeffler, Diane
Murphy, Erin
Otremba, Mary Ellen
Peppin, Joyce
Peterson, Sandra
Ruud, Maria
Slawik, Nora
Thao, Cy
Thissen, Paul
Walker, Neva
HF 196 (Greiling) - Mental health provisions modified, inmate assessments required, children's mental health grants and training established, medical assistance covered services modified, Crisis Intervention Team State Council created, and money appropriated.
The Chair moved HF 196 (CEH0196-2), the 2nd committee engrossment, before the Division and further moved adoption of the
H0196DE2 amendment. The motion prevailed.
Representative Greiling gave a brief presentation of the bill. Also testifying were:
Sue Aberholden, Executive Director, NAMI, and Chair of the Mental Health Network
Craig Warzeha, Mental Health Consumer
Discussion followed and Rep. Brod moved to amend the
H0196DE2 amendment as follows:
page 6, delete lines 6.17 through 6.23 (Sec. 5 COLUMBIA TEENSCREEN GRANTS)
page 8, delete lines 8.5 through 8.7, the funding portion for teenscreen grants
Rep. Gottwalt requested a roll call vote which failed 5-12 as follows:
Ayes: Brod, Bunn, Dean, Erickson, Gottwalt
Nays: Huntley, Abeler, Fritz, Hosch, Liebling, Loeffler, Murphy, Ruud, Slawik, Thao, Thissen, Walker
Absent: Anderson, Otremba, Peppin, Peterson
Rep. Walker made closing comments in support of the bill and Chair Huntley renewed his motion that HF 196, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
At 9:06 a.m. Rep. Hosch assumed the gavel.
HF 1067 (Huntley) - Mental health provisions modified, county board duties clarified, mental health service delivery reform provided, grants authorized; and medical assistance and MinnesotaCare coverage modified.
Rep. Huntley moved HF 1067 before the Division for consideration. Testifying to the bill was:
Don Allen, Department of Human Services
Discussion followed and Vice Chair Hosch moved that HF 1067 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
At 9:31 a.m. Chair Huntley resumed the gavel and additional testimony on HF 1067 followed:
Dr. Karen Effrem, Pediatrician, on behalf of Ed Watch
Curtis A Herron, Pastor, Zion Baptist Church
Maureen Glover, Behavioral Health Social Worker, Hennepin County, AFSCME worker
At 9:55 a.m. Rep. Walker assumed the gavel and renewed the Chair's motion that HF 1067 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 297 (Huntley) - Health care uniform claims standards established, Health Care Transformation Task Force established, prescription drug discount program provided, medical assistand and MinnesotaCare provisions modified, and money appropriated.
Rep. Huntley moved HF 297 for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill and made a brief presentation. Chair Walker renewed the motion that HF 297 be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 1729 (Huntley) - Health care, welfare data, medical assistance eligibility, and MinnesotaCare provisions modified; MinnesotaCare II and Minnesota Health Insurance Exchange established; and Section 125 plans required.
Rep. Huntley moved HF 1729 for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill and made a brief presentation. Testifying were:
Erin Sexton, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
Phil Griffin, Preferred One
Discussion followed and Rep. Huntley renewed his motion that HF 1729 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 1875 (Huntley) - Medical education research funds; public program volume factor for MERC converted from revenue to charges.
Rep. Huntley moved the bill before the Division for consideration and made a brief presentation of the bill. Discussion followed and Rep. Huntley renewed his motion that HF 1875 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 1873 (Bunn) - Health care cost containment goals annual reports required, health care transormation task force established, universal coverage goals modified, performance payments modified, grants and projects provided, and money appropriated.
Rep. Bunn moved HF 1873 for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill and made a brief presentation. Chair Walker amended the Bunn motion to that of laying the bill on the table [for further discussion the next day]. The motion prevailed. Testifying to the bill were:
Dr. George Schoephoer, private practice physician, St. Cloud
Dr. Mary Rahrick, pediatrician, Owatonna Clinic
Pamela Slagter, Medical Home
Nyla Hagen, parent, Medical Home
Beth Hartwig, Minnesota Business Partnership
Erin Sexton, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
Elliot Seide, AFSCME Council 5
Rep. Bunn made closing comments and discussion continued. Upon no further discussion, Rep. Bunn renewed her motion that HF 1873 be laid on the table. The motion prevailed.
HF 1809 (Dominguez) - Safety net health care providers grants provided, unreimbursed health care costs grants required, and money appropriated.
Rep. Hosch moved HF 1809 for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. Testifying on the bill were:
Michael Skandrett, MN Safety Net Coalition
Rhonda Degelau, Executive Director, MN Association of Community Health Centers
Sharon Oswald, Safety Net Coalition, on behalf of Parents for Improvement of Children's
Rep. Walker moved to amend the motion inasmuch as the bill was actually in Karen Clark's committee and this Division heard this bill as information only. Discussion on the bill followed.
HF 794 (Otremba) - Medical assistance coverage modified to include consultations with psychologists, and medical assistance reimbursement rate for critical access mental health services increased.
Rep. Otremba moved the bill for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. Testifying to the bill was:
Tom Kelliher, Minnesota Psychological Association
Discussion followed and Rep. Otremba renewed her motion that HF 794 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
At 11:25 a.m. the Division recessed until 20 minutes after session adjourns.
At 1:00 p.m. Chair Huntley resumed the meeting and continued its agenda:
HF 202 (Thissen) - Chemical dependency treatment fund eligibility expanded.
Rep. Thissen moved the bill and introduced his testifier:
Bill Amborg, MN Association of Resources for Recovery and Chemical Health
Discussion followed and Chair Huntley moved HF 202 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 276 (Otremba) - MinnesotaCare self-employed farmers income definition modified.
Rep. Otremba moved the bill before the Division and the Chair renewed the motion that HF 276 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 463 (Murphy) - MinnesotaCare small employer buy-in option created.
Rep. Murphy moved the bill before the Division and presented her bill. Discussion followed and Chair Huntley renewed the motion that HF 463 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
Rep. Murphy assumed the gavel.
H0001-2 (HF 1, 2nd engrossment Thissen) - Children's health security account and program created, eligibility criteria and covered services specified, Legislative Task Force on Children's Health Care Coverage established, and money appropriated.
Rep. Thissen moved the bill before the Division for consideration and further moved adoption of the H0001DE2-2 amendment. The motion prevailed. Testifying in support of the bill were:
Kristin Beckmann, Executive Director, SEIU MN State Council
Dr. Gerald Gilehurst, MN Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics
Discussion followed and testimony continued:
Brian Rusche, Joint Religious Legislative Coalition
Carol Specktor, Children's Defense Fund
More discussion followed. Rep. Thissen renewed his motion that HF 1, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 1078 (Huntley) - Hospital public interest review and alternative approval process modified.
Rep. Huntley moved HF 1078, the 1st engrossment, before the Division and further moved adoption of the H1078A5 amendment. The motion prevailed. The amendment was adopted. Rep. Huntley then moved adoption of the
H1078A7 amendment. Dr. Rohden spoke to the H1078A7 amendment. The motion prevailed.
Rep. Huntley renewed his motion that HF 1078, the 1st engrossment, as amended, be recommended to pass and returned to the Committee on Finance. The motion prevailed.
HF 1399 (Huntley) - Northeastern Minnesota community-based health care coverage program demonstration project established, federal grant program references removed, evaluation report due dates modified, and money appropriated.
Rep. Huntley moved HF 1399 for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill and made a brief presentation. Discussion followed and Rep. Huntley renewed his motion that HF 1399 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 644 (Huntley) - Health Care Access Fund Oversight Commission established.
Rep. Huntley moved HF 644 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill and further moved adoption of the
H0644DE1 amendment. The motion prevailed. Upon no further discussion, Rep. Huntley renewed his motion that HF 644, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 1987 (Huntley) - Minnesota Medical Information Council established, and money appropriated.
Rep. Huntley moved HF 1987 be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill and further moved adoption of the
A07-0493 amendment. Testifying was:
Bob DeBoer, Director of Policy and Development, Citizens League
Discussion followed. Rep. Huntley moved the
A07-0493 amendment again and the motion prevailed. Rep. Huntley moved HF 1987, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the final omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.
Following action on the agenda items, the Division discussed the schedule of the next three days. Chair Murphy adjourned the meeting at 2:23 p.m.
Thomas E. Huntley, Chair
Jan Horner, Committee Legislative Assistant