***Bill added to agenda***
HF1571 (Howard) Manufactured home parks closure or modification procedures modified
HF1574 (Hornstein) State's investment maximized, displacement prevented, and rental housing projects financed at least in part by the Housing Finance Agency required to be affordable for at least 30 years
HF1918 (Her) Infirmity of tenant termination of lease established
HF1972 (Hassan) Tenant notice of grounds for eviction required before action brought
HF2017 (Howard) Manufactured home park relocation trust fund changes made
HF 2273 (Her) Housing tax credits allocation requirements and limitations repealed
***HF2017 has been added to the agenda.***
Bills may be taken in any order. Bills may be added or removed from the agenda.
Please contact Owen Wirth at
Owen.Wirth@house.mn or (651) 296-6970 if you would like to testify on any of these bills.
The meeting will resume in room 400 North of the State Office Building at 6:30 PM if the agenda is not completed during the regularly scheduled division meeting.