Mission Statement
The mission of Minnesota House of Representatives Public Information Services department is to provide credible and timely nonpartisan services that inform the general public of legislative actions, educate the public about the legislative process, and encourage public participation in the Minnesota Legislature.
About the department
We meet our mission by providing services in four main areas: Information and Outreach, Photography, Publications and Television.
Information and Outreach
House Public Information Services serves
as the general information contact point for the House of Representatives.
Answers to hundreds of questions are provided weekly to the public, such as who
their representatives are, what district they live in, when and where
legislative meetings are held, the status of bills and where to find how members
voted on specific legislation.
Services include:
House Public Information Services
photographers document House activities, including floor sessions, committee
hearings, press conferences and special events. They accept assignments from
House political caucuses, staff and other departments. Services provided by the
photographers include:
Publication staff produces a variety of
publications for all ages that cover issues before the Legislature; provide
education about the legislative process; and offer information for those who
want to participate in the process. Some of the publications produced include:
Television staff provides video coverage of select House activities. Streaming online is an important way for residents to access live video of significant happenings at the House. Services provided include:
House Public Information Services seeks to serve as an informational resource for the public, legislators and staff.
Nonpartisan Code of Ethics
House Public Information Services staff are
public servants and have obligations and responsibilities to the general public,
legislators and fellow staff members. Responsibilities are expected to be
performed with the highest level of integrity and honesty.
House Public Information Services staff should be mindful that the public views
them as representatives of the Legislature as an institution. In keeping with
their responsibility to build and uphold the public's trust, staff should
provide accurate, useful and timely information.
House Public Information Services staff should always be vigilant to avoid any
conflicts of interest that may interfere with the work of the institution or be
contrary to the nonpartisan mission of the department. (The following are
examples of conduct that could impair a staff member's nonpartisan status:
serving as a campaign official for a candidate for partisan political office,
writing a letter to the editor in support of or in opposition to a candidate for
partisan political office, acting as a spokesperson for a special interest group
or performing freelance work in partisan political activities.)
Because of the position of responsibility, House Public Information Services
staff are expected to uphold the law and all applicable regulations. Resources
should always be used for the public good, not private gain.
This code is intended to supplement existing policies under which House staff
members are employed. These guidelines do not constitute any legal obligation.
These guidelines are subject to periodic review by the House Public Information
Services director.
Adapted from National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) and NCSL
Legislative Information and Communications Staff guidelines
Week in Review March 3-7 (3/7/2025 12:03:00 PM) Bill to expand right to self-defense in Minnesota fails House vote (3/6/2025 5:48:00 PM) Bill would increase funding for soil and water conservation districts (3/6/2025 4:30:00 PM) House bill would allow girls', women's sports teams to exclude transgender athletes (3/6/2025 2:48:00 PM) Workforce committee considers $2 million for small business development center (3/6/2025 2:25:00 PM) State lawmakers aim to fix decades-long neglect of land survey monuments (3/6/2025 12:08:00 PM) Quartet of nursing homes could see modified property rate increases (3/6/2025 11:12:00 AM) Minnesota's budget outlook worsens in both near, long term (3/6/2025 9:51:00 AM) Violent, repeat offenders shouldn't get chance for downward sentencing, say bill supporters (3/5/2025 6:27:00 PM) House committee chair wants greater elections confidence through overhauled protocols (3/5/2025 5:57:00 PM) Town roads, bridges would get funding boost under bill (3/5/2025 5:48:00 PM)
This week's slideshow,
photo gallery and
Capitol area images
House Agriculture Finance and Policy Committee*
Monday, March 10 2025 3/10/2025 1:00 PM
Watch: Live Event
*The committee will reconvene at 6 p.m., or at the call of the Chair, if necessary, to complete the agenda.
HF1704 (Anderson, P.H.) Agriculture and broadband finance and policy bill.
- Walkthrough of the author's delete-all amendment.
- Public testimony.
House Transportation Finance and Policy Committee
Monday, March 10 2025 3/10/2025 1:00 PM
Watch: Live Event
Report: Revenue Options to Address the Highway User Tax Distribution Funding Gap over Fiscal Years 2025 to 2034.
HF1167 (Anderson, P.E.) Northern Lights Express passenger rail project expenditures prohibited.
HF1242 (Joy) Commercial transportation provided, commercial driver training assistance program established, and money appropriated.
House Health Finance and Policy Committee
Monday, March 10 2025 3/10/2025 1:00 PM
Watch: Live Event
HF696 (Backer) Rural EMS uncompensated care pool payment program established, and money appropriated.
Opioids and Substance Use Disorder presentation.
HF1429 (Liebling) Emergency medical services overdose data modified.
HF1379 (Baker) Use of nonopioid directives authorized, and immunity for certain acts or failures to act established.
House Elections Finance and Government Operations Committee
Monday, March 10 2025 3/10/2025 1:00 PM
Watch: Live Event
HF1345 (Rarick) Allowable number of statutory city public utility commission members increased.
HF71 (Coulter) Working group on local candidate campaign finance reporting established, report required, and money appropriated.
HF993 (Gordon) Publication of temporary polling locations required.
HF1943 (Freiberg) Money transferred from the general fund to the Help America Vote Act account.
House DFL Press Conference
Monday, March 10 2025 3/10/2025 2:30 PM
Watch: Live Event
Discussing HF11, scheduled for Monday Floor Session debate.
Session Daily Update
Monday, March 10 2025 3/10/2025 3:25 PM
Watch: Live Event
Updates from the House.
House Floor Session
Monday, March 10 2025 3/10/2025 3:30 PM
Watch: Live Event
Calendar for the Day:.
HF3 (Nash) Legislative auditor required to submit a report to the legislature related to an agency's implementation of legislative auditor recommendations, and money appropriated.
Supplemental Calendar for the Day:.
HF11 (Baker) Minnesota Paid Leave Law implementation delayed by one year.
HF23 (Robbins) Whistleblower definitions provided, and whistleblower protections for public employees modified.
SF1552 (Anderson, P.H.) Grain buyers financial reporting requirements modified.
House Rules and Legislative Administration Committee*
Monday, March 10 2025 3/10/2025 5:00 PM
Watch: Live Event
*Committee will meet at the call of the Chair, approximately 30 minutes after Floor Session adjourns.
Calendar for the Day: March 12, 2025.
Calendar for the Day: March 13, 2025.
HF550 (Torkelson) Bipartisan Redistricting Commission established, principles to be used in adopting legislative and congressional districts established, and constitutional amendment proposed.
TUESDAY: House State Government Finance and Policy Committee
Tuesday, March 11 2025 3/11/2025 8:15 AM
Watch: Live Event
State Office Building renovation update.
HF1867 (Joy) State lottery; retailer contract provisions modified.
HF1240 (Quam) Policy related to the legislative auditor modified.
Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans overview.
Council on LGBTQIA2S+ Minnesotans overview.
Indian Affairs Council overview.
Council on Latino Affairs overview.
Council for Minnesotans of African Heritage overview.
TUESDAY: House Workforce, Labor, and Economic Development Finance and Policy Committee
Tuesday, March 11 2025 3/11/2025 8:15 AM
Watch: Live Event
HF1768 (Niska) Additional circumstances under which a covenant not to compete is valid and enforceable provided.
HF1355 (Baker) Holders of permits to harvest or destroy aquatic plants required to safely use scuba diving equipment, and commercial diving operations requirements established.
HF1469 (Sencer-Mura) Job skills training for recently released inmates funding provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
TUESDAY: House Commerce Finance and Policy Committee
Tuesday, March 11 2025 3/11/2025 8:15 AM
Watch: Live Event
Consumer protection efforts presentation from the Attorney General’s Office.
TUESDAY: House Human Services Finance and Policy Committee
Tuesday, March 11 2025 3/11/2025 8:15 AM
Watch: Live Event
February 2025 Budget and Economic Forecast overview from Department of Human Services.
TUESDAY: House Capital Investment Committee
Tuesday, March 11 2025 3/11/2025 10:15 AM
Watch: Live Event
Local water/Sewer infrastructure bonding projects:.
HF220 (Repinski) Winona; wastewater treatment facility improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF230 (Mekeland) Big Lake; wastewater treatment plant improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF240 (Igo) Keewatin; public infrastructure improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF241 (Igo) Floodwood; water and sewer infrastructure capital improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF295 (Igo) Hibbing; drinking water infrastructure funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF429 (Warwas) Eveleth; wastewater treatment facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF490 (Franson) Alexandria Lake Area Sanitary District funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF505 (Smith) Rochester; sanitary sewer infrastructure funding provided to support housing expansion, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF574 (Warwas) New drinking water system to serve the East Range Water System and its member communities funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF576 (Warwas) Central Iron Range Sanitary Sewer District infrastructure improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF581 (Skraba) Little Fork; campground and recreational area funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF865 (Schomacker) Rock County; water tower funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF918 (Van Binsbergen) Litchfield; sewer separation project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1085 (Moller) Arden Hills; sanitary sewer force main construction and replacement and associated improvements, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1449 (Torkelson) Revere; storm sewer infrastructure improvements and street reconstruction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1452 (Torkelson) New Ulm; gravity sewer flow system and other infrastructure funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1454 (Torkelson) Lamberton; water infrastructure replacement and street reconstruction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF602 (Burkel) Stephen; water and sewer infrastructure and street reconstruction improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
TUESDAY: House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee
Tuesday, March 11 2025 3/11/2025 10:15 AM
Watch: Live Event
HF1917 (Anderson, P.H.) Definition of public official in a city or county modified.
HF367 (Murphy) Action for damages for highway obstruction authorized, and civil penalties imposed.
HF1083 (Moller) Domestic abuse advocates prohibited from disclosing information.
TUESDAY: House Taxes Committee
Tuesday, March 11 2025 3/11/2025 10:15 AM
Watch: Live Event
HF169 (Robbins) All lawful gambling receipts subjected to a flat rate tax, and combined net receipts tax repealed.
HF195 (Bennett) Classification rate removed and property tax exemption established for certain property owned and operated by congressionally chartered veterans service organizations.
HF194 (Knudsen) Exclusion amount increased for homesteads of veterans with a disability.
HF1756 (Norris) Property tax; market value exclusion modified for veterans with a disability, exclusion amounts increased annually with inflation, and surviving spouses benefit modified.
HFxxxx (Davids) Making a technical correction to the pass-through entity tax.
TUESDAY: House Education Finance Committee
Tuesday, March 11 2025 3/11/2025 1:00 PM
Watch: Live Event
February 2025 Budget and Economic Forecast update.
Compensatory revenue review.
Formula funding overview.
TUESDAY: House Higher Education Finance and Policy Committee
Tuesday, March 11 2025 3/11/2025 1:00 PM
Watch: Live Event
HF862 (Schomacker) Public postsecondary institutions required to maintain a supply of opiate antagonists on system campuses.
HFXXXX (Rarick) Workforce development scholarships program eligibility expanded.
Minnesota State overview/presentation.
TUESDAY: House Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy Committee
Tuesday, March 11 2025 3/11/2025 1:00 PM
Watch: Live Event
HF1531 (Heintzeman) Expiration of crossbow hunting and fishing allowance removed.
HF1331 (Schultz) Statewide wolf population survey required.
HF1425 (Skraba) Sale of state-owned land in Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness prohibited.
HF1922 (Skraba) Report on payment in lieu of taxes on natural resources lands required.
HF1570 (Skraba) Sale or lease of boathouse sites at Soudan Underground Mine State Park authorized.
TUESDAY: House Energy Finance and Policy Committee
Tuesday, March 11 2025 3/11/2025 1:00 PM
Watch: Live Event
HF252 (Igo) Minnesota Public Utilities; small natural gas utilities eligibility amended to be exempt from regulation.
HF787 (Anderson, P.H.) Electricity generated outside the state exempted from the requirement that a proportion of retail electricity be carbon-free by certain dates.
TUESDAY: House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee
Tuesday, March 11 2025 3/11/2025 3:00 PM
Watch: Live Event
HF7 (Novotny) Public safety; various public safety provisions modified related to data held by law enforcement agencies, agency custody notice requirements, mandatory minimum sentences, stays of adjudication, the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission, legislative approval of Sentencing Guidelines, dismissing of charges, liability and vicarious liability, crime for trespass recruiting or educating, assaulting a police officer, fleeing in a motor vehicle, stolen motor vehicles, obstructing traffic, tracking devices, criminal penalties, and money appropriated.
HF697 (Baker) Weather forecasting gap-filing radar data funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1814 (Backer) Grant funding provided to purchase or upgrade radios and related equipment, and money appropriated.
HF1567 (Duran) Personal information protections currently available for judicial officials extended to peace officers.
HF1256 (Novotny) Certain law enforcement training reimbursement funding extended.
HF1257 (Novotny) Public Safety Advisory Council eliminated.
TUESDAY: House Education Policy Committee
Tuesday, March 11 2025 3/11/2025 3:00 PM
Watch: Live Event
HF630 (Mueller) Short-call substitute teacher pilot program extended.
HF914 (Quam) School districts allowed to access personnel files of prospective teachers from their employing districts.
HF1418 (Hill) Teacher licensure provisions modified, grant programs transferred from Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board to the Department of Education, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF1959 (Mueller) Teacher preparation program grant eligibility modified.
TUESDAY: House Housing Finance and Policy Committee
Tuesday, March 11 2025 3/11/2025 3:00 PM
Watch: Live Event
HF2013 (Nash) Residential development regulations limited.
HF1987 (Igo) Minnesota Starter Home Act established, requirements related to comprehensive plan amendments modified, and zoning authority of municipalities related to certain residential developments limited.
TUESDAY: House Children and Families Finance and Policy Committee
Tuesday, March 11 2025 3/11/2025 3:00 PM
Watch: Live Event
HF1169 (Nelson) Commissioner of children, youth, and families directed to make recommendations for paperwork reduction relating to child protection cases.
HF1916 (West) Child care assistance program integrity program established; commissioner of children, youth, and families directed to establish an electronic record-keeping system for child care enrollment; reports required; and money appropriated.
TUESDAY: House Ways and Means Committee
Tuesday, March 11 2025 3/11/2025 5:00 PM
Watch: Live Event
HF1218 (Heintzeman) Funding from the environment and natural resources trust fund, prior appropriations modified, and money appropriated.
Bill Introductions: HF1949-HF2017
2025 Legislative Session
The legislative session began Jan. 14, 2025. Members must complete their work by May 19, 2025.
2025 Committee Deadlines
Here are the three committee deadlines for 2025 (first and second are the same day):
Per Joint Rule 2.03, the deadlines do not apply to the House Capital Investment Division; the House Taxes, Ways and Means, or Rules and Legislative Administration committees; nor the Senate Capital Investment, Finance, Taxes or Rules and Administration committees.
2025 Legislative Breaks
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