One day after hearing arguments on both sides of the issue, the Minnesota Supreme Court has ruled that 68 members constitute a quorum in the House.
Per the Jan. 24 ruling: “The quorum clause in Article IV, Section 13, of the Minnesota Constitution, requires a majority of the total number of seats of which each house may consist to constitute a quorum. Because under current statute, the total number of seats in the Minnesota House of Representatives is 134, a quorum under Article IV, § 13, is 68 members. We assume that the parties will now conform to this order without the necessity of issuing a formal writ.”
A quorum refers to the minimum number of members who must be present to conduct business.
Read more at Session Daily
Panel hears governor’s proposal to cut $685 million from education budget over next four years (3/27/2025 5:07:00 PM) Research on controlling invasive species among projects in $103 million environmental trust fund bill (3/27/2025 4:44:00 PM) House bill could boost state's green ammonia industry (3/27/2025 4:33:00 PM) House legislators push for mandatory child care center video surveillance (3/27/2025 3:30:00 PM) Omnibus liquor bill includes provision allowing 17-year-olds to serve alcohol in restaurants (3/27/2025 1:00:00 PM) Bill would correct wording in law, ensure visitation rights for nursing home residents (3/27/2025 12:25:00 PM) Lawmakers propose maintaining increased funding level for entrepreneurs support program (3/27/2025 12:16:00 PM) Bills permitting new drone uses for law enforcement draws privacy concerns (3/26/2025 6:45:00 PM) Minnesota's child care regulations in need of game-changing overhaul, House lawmaker says (3/26/2025 6:34:00 PM) Bill aims to limit costly, time-intensive data requests to schools (3/26/2025 5:48:00 PM) Digital driver's licenses? House lawmakers consider bill to put IDs on your smartphone (3/26/2025 5:30:00 PM)
This week's slideshow,
photo gallery and
Capitol area images
House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee
Friday, March 28 2025 3/28/2025 9:00 AM
Watch: Live Event
HF2432 (Novotny/Moller) Protection from report of fictitious emergency extended to all state or local correctional employees; Tribal Nation access and use of community supervisions services subsidy clarified; post-incarceration supervision provisions codified; obsolete administrative rules repealed; various other public safety, judiciary, and corrections provisions modified; and money appropriated.
MONDAY: The Minnesota Legislature is on a break for Eid on Monday. No meetings are scheduled.
Monday, March 31 2025 3/31/2025 8:00 AM
Watch: Live Event
The Minnesota Legislature is on a break for Eid on Monday, so no meetings are scheduled.
TUESDAY: Session Daily Update
Tuesday, April 1 2025 4/1/2025 12:10 PM
Watch: Live Event
Updates from the House.
TUESDAY: House Floor Session
Tuesday, April 1 2025 4/1/2025 12:15 PM
Watch: Live Event
House Floor Session.
Bill Introductions: HF2878-HF2934
2025 Legislative Session
The legislative session began Jan. 14, 2025. Members must complete their work by May 19, 2025.
2025 Committee Deadlines
Here are the three committee deadlines for 2025 (first and second are the same day):
Per Joint Rule 2.03, the deadlines do not apply to the House Capital Investment Division; the House Taxes, Ways and Means, or Rules and Legislative Administration committees; nor the Senate Capital Investment, Finance, Taxes or Rules and Administration committees.
2025 Legislative Breaks
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