FY2008-2009 budget deficit:. 07:58 – Gavel and introductory remarks. 10:30 - Presentation on unallotment. 24:31 - Minnesota Management and Budget testimony. State agency testimony:. 1:02:04 - Department of Education. 2:01:34 - University of Minnesota and MnSCU. 2:30:50 - Department of Health, Department of Human Services. 2:58:51 - Department of Administration, Department of Corrections, Department of Agriculture. 3:21:42 - Department of Employment and Economic Development, Office of Enterprise Technology, Department of Labor and Industry. 3:34:22 - Department of Military Affairs, Pollution Control Agency, Department of Public Safety. 3:51:20 - Department of Revenue, Department of Transportation, Housing Finance Agency. 4:10:39 - Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Higher Education, Department of Human Rights. 4:26:18 - Minnesota Management and Budget. 4:32:54 - Public testimony. Runs 4 hours, 45 minutes.