00:56 - Gavel. 02:00 - Testimony related to, and action on, <A HREF=http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/bills/billnum.asp?billnumber=HF298&session_number=0&ls_year=85&year=2007>HF298</A> (Huntley) Family planning access increased to prevent unintended pregnancies, nurses authorized to dispense oral contraceptives at clinics, reimbursement rates increased, grant reductions eliminated, and money appropriated. 1:18:55 - <A HREF=http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/bills/billnum.asp?billnumber=HF276&session_number=0&ls_year=85&year=2007>HF276</A> (Otremba) MinnesotaCare self-employed farmers income definition modified. The committee went into recess. Runs 1 hour, 35 minutes. ** No video archive is available of the evening continuation of this meeting. ** The complete audio archive of this meeting is available on the committee's audio archives page at: http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/audio/archivescomm.asp?comm=11000&ls_year=85.