00:34 - <A HREF=http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/bills/billnum.asp?billnumber=HF1855&session_number=0&ls_year=85&year=2007>HF1855</A> (Huntley) Health care facilities required to report on major spending commitments, nonprofit hospitals and outpatient surgical centers required to report on community benefits in a standard way, and work group established. 05:19 - <A HREF=http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/bills/billnum.asp?billnumber=HF1873&session_number=0&ls_year=85&year=2007>HF1873</A> (Bunn) Health care cost containment goals annual reports required, health care transformation task force established, universal coverage goals modified, performance payments modified, grants and projects provided, and money appropriated. 33:57 - Continued discussion of HF1855. Runs 38 minutes.