03:04 - Gavel. 03:40 - HF1665 (Dean) MinnesotaCare program repealed, health carriers required to offer MinnesotaCare II plans, cost-sharing reductions and premium subsidies for MinnesotaCare II enrollees provided, and money appropriated. 33:20 - HF745 (Howe) Veterans preference procedures and rights modified. 53:53 - HF437 (Scott) Legislative surrogacy commission established, appointments provided, and report required. 1:35:05 - HF1354 (Hackbarth) Firefighter deaths required to be reported to the state fire marshal, and continued health insurance coverage provided to families of noncareer firefighters who die in the line of duty. 1:38:34 - HF1974 (Anderson, S.) Districting principles for legislative and congressional plans established. 1:44:05 - HF1835 ( Runbeck) Metropolitan Area Water Supply Advisory Committee modified and duties specified, and groundwater management area plan implementation delayed. 1:51:40 - HF1056 (Norton) Local law enforcement agency grant program established to develop or expand lifesaver programs that locate lost or wandering persons who are mentally impaired, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated. 2:07:50 - Further consideration of HF1835 ( Runbeck) Metropolitan Area Water Supply Advisory Committee modified and duties specified, and groundwater management area plan implementation delayed. 2:08:27 - HF512 (Norton) Child support obligation computation and parenting time expense adjustment modified. 2:13:24 - HF805 (Youakim) Silver Alert system working group established to study and make recommendations on establishing a Silver Alert System, and report required. 2:23:23 - HF827 (Mullery) Task Force on the Protection of Children extended. Runs 2 hour, 30 minutes.