00:25 - HF3275 (Nornes) Child care grant eligibility modified. 05:41 - HF2815 (Nornes) Postsecondary education planning information provisions modified. 15;15 - HF3103 (Urdahl) College Possible program funding increased, and money appropriated. 33:13 - HF3165 (Fenton) Alternative teacher preparation grant program established, and money appropriated. 48:05 - HF2965 (Applebaum) Student loan income tax credit allowed. 1:02:15 - HF2924 (Hortman) Student loan refinancing program funding provided, and money appropriated. 1:15:38 - HF2729 (Lien) Loan forgiveness program for individuals working in greater Minnesota established, report required, and money appropriated. 1:34;00 - HF2547 (Norton) University of Minnesota, Rochester campus collegiate recovery program establishment funding provided, report required, and money appropriated. The committee recessed. Runs 1 hour, 42 minutes.