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House Health and Human Services Policy Committee

Tuesday, March 19, 2019 - 2:33 PM

00:43 - HF1254 (Considine) Medical assistance coverage modified for community-based care coordination to include tribes. 14:59 - HF478 (Urdahl) Firefighter post-traumatic stress disorder grants established, report required, and money appropriated. 28:41 - HF1269 (Cantrell) Mental health service payment and denial of payment clarified, primary care residency expansion grants modified, practicum incentive payments established, mental health training program developed, and money appropriated. 41:20 - HF1256 (Cantrell) Adult foster care and community residential setting license capacity modified, and various provisions governing home and community-based services modified. 1:00:15 - HF1516 (Acomb) Home care providers provisions modified. 1:23:21 - HF1221 (Sandell) Hennepin County; commissioner of human services directed to allow medical assistance waiver customized living services provider to transfer capacity to up to three other housing services. 1:36:11 - HF925 (Davids) Epinephrine auto-injectors use by individuals who complete a training program authorized. 1:46:50 - HF2252 (Koznick) Nonemergency Medical Transportation Advisory Committee membership modified. Runs 1 hour, 50 minutes.