01:50 - Executive Director’s Report. 06:10 - Information: Review of Communication Outreach Development & Implementation. - Patrick Thornton, Russell Herder Ltd. 52:49 - Action: Request for Extension - ML2017, 2(f) Accelerated Native Prairie Bank Protection, Phase 6. - Judy Schulte, MN DNR. 59:05 - Action: Request for Extension - ML2016, 5(j) Roseau Lake Rehabilitation. - Randy Prachar, MN DNR. 1:11:11 - Information: Accessibility of Documents & Web. - Greg Hubinger, Director, Legislative Coordinating Commission. 1:18:52 - Information: MN Prairie Recovery Plan, Overview/Update. - Greg Hoch, MN DNR Prairie Habitat Supervisor. The Council recessed. Runs 1 hour, 58 minutes.