02:38 - HF734 (Gomez) Sex offense statute of limitations eliminated. 05:23 - HF2586 (Gomez) U-Visa certification documents timely process required by certifying entities. 10:56 - HF3218 (Moller) Bureau of Criminal Apprehension investigation of peace officers accused of sexual assault required. 26:40 - HF3070 (Pinto) Human trafficking offense penalties increased, and prostitution patron penalties increased. 59:53 - HF464 (O'Neill) Domestic abuse transformation program account established to fund domestic abuse transformation programs, and money appropriated. 1:18:00 - HF2983 (O'Neill) Unrestricted sexual assault examination kit; samples required to be tested, retention and storage requirements established, design and publication of a uniform consent form required, searchable database to track the status of testing created, additional lab scientists and software upgrade funding provided, and money appropriated. Runs 1 hour, 40 minutes.