02:03 - HF7 (Olson, L.) Earned sick and safe time provided, rulemaking authorized, civil penalties imposed, reports required, and money appropriated. - Committee discussion will focus on sections of the bill that fall within the committee's jurisdiction, which include Article 2: Sections 1 through 3; Section 4, Subdivision 3-penalties, enforcements and remedies. 24:23 - HF416 (Edelson) Extended jurisdiction juvenile conviction statistic report required. - Committee discussion will focus on sections of the bill that fall within the committee's jurisdiction, which include Section 6, Subdivision 11, and Section 10-relating to courts. 38:33 - HF922 (Long) Corrections; guidelines for use of restraint on juveniles established, general public excluded from delinquency hearings, juvenile arrest alternatives provided, and juvenile risk assessment provided. - Committee discussion will focus on section of the bill that falls within the committee's jurisdiction, which includes Section 2. 53:08 - HF306 (Frazier) Criminal and traffic surcharge waiver or reduction authorized; courts required to consider indigency or hardship before imposing fines, fees, or surcharges; and notice required. 1:15:17 - HF336 (Becker-Finn) Drivers' license suspension authority by commissioner of public safety modified, retroactive driver's license reinstatement provided, technical changes made, and report required. 1:23:23 - HF1436 (Hanson) Child support provisions modified. The committee recessed. Runs 1 hour, 30 minutes.