00:33 - HF2457 (Lislegard) Applied research in water and mineral resources funding provided, and money appropriated. 13:47 - HF1973 (Acomb) State greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals amended. 27:07 - Further consideration of HF2076 (Pursell) Pollution Control Agency citizen membership reinstated. 39:56 - HF2193 (Feist) Funding provided for scope of work for a plan to promote and protect clean water in Minnesota for the next 50 years, and money appropriated. 45:48 - HF638 (Freiberg) Inflow and infiltration program funding provided, and money appropriated. 49:22 - HF2528 (Brand) Water safety plans for cities funding provided, and money appropriated. 56:31 - HF2324 (Hansen) Drill core library funding provided, and money appropriated. Runs 1 hour, 30 minutes.