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Property Tax Burdens by Property Type, Historical Analysis


The graphs below show statewide changes in property tax burdens by property type over time, resulting from both changes in law and differences in market value growth rates between the various types of property. The first and third graphs show each property type's share of the total property tax burden. The second and fourth graphs show how each property type's tax burden has changed relative to its market value (the relationship between a type of property's net tax and its market value is called its "effective tax rate").

The first two graphs focus on the last ten years, while the next two show the same relationship over a longer period of time.

Statewide Shares of Net Tax by Property Type, 2014-2024

Shares of Net Tax, 10 years

Statewide Effective Tax Rates by Property Type, 2014-2024

Effective tax rates, 10 years

Statewide Effective Tax Rates by Property Type, 1991-2024

Effective tax rates, 1991 to 2024

Statewide Shares of Net Tax by Property Type, 1991-2024

Shares of Net Tax, 1991 to 2024

Related information

Data Sources

Data in the graphs comes from actual property tax data reported by counties to the Minnesota Department of Revenue.


"Residential homestead" property means all property classified by the assessor as residential (nonfarm) homestead.

"Residential nonhomestead" means residential rental properties consisting of one to three dwelling units, along with vacant land that is zoned residential.

"Seasonal-recreational" property means both commercial and noncommercial recreational property, and includes the "qualifying golf course" and "metro indoor recreational" classes.

"Agricultural" property includes agricultural land and buildings, including the house, garage, and one-acre portion of each homesteaded farm, and also includes property classified as timberland.

"Apartment" property means residential rental properties of four or more units, and includes some miscellaneous residential property types such as manufactured home parks, nonprofit community services property, and student housing.

"Commercial-industrial" property means all properties placed in any commercial-industrial classification by the assessor, and includes railroad property and mineral property.

"Public utility" property means all property placed in any public utility classification by the assessor, and also includes all personal property (including the personal property classes that are unrelated to public utilities).

Note that the value of manufactured housing is not included in any of the categories, because that property type is not included in the data from the Minnesota Department of Revenue and is generally taxed somewhat differently.

November 2024