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Health and Human Services

The following write-ups are produced and maintained by Minnesota House Research Department, with some links provided to other sources.

General Health and Human Services

Child Care

Child Support

Health Care Programs

Medical Assistance



  • Integrated Health Partnerships Program
    A 14-page brief that describes the Integrated Health Partnerships Program, which is a direct contracting program between the state and healthcare providers for services provided to MA and MinnesotaCare enrollees. January 2024.
  • Public Program Dental Reimbursement and Other Changes: 2021 Session
    A 6-page brief that describes changes made by the 2021 Legislature regarding reimbursement for dental care under the Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare programs. October 2021.
  • Publicly Provided Mental Health Services in Minnesota
    A 26-page brief that explains how the publicly provided mental health system works and provides information on the range of available services, eligibility requirements, how the services are delivered, and how the services are funded. November 2023.
  • Telemedicine Laws in Minnesota
    A 15-page publication that describes the major provisions for providing telemedicine under Minnesota law, including temporary changes made recently related to COVID. July 2020.
  • Utilization Review of Health Care Services
    A 12-page publication summarizing state laws governing utilization review and the regulation of utilization review organizations. June 2024.

Health Professions

HHS Facilities

Income Assistance Programs

  • Basics of Emergency General Assistance
  • Cash Assistance in Minnesota
    An 11-page publication that describes the government-administered programs that provide cash assistance in Minnesota: the Minnesota Family Investment Program and General Assistance. December 2022.
  • Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT)
  • General Assistance
    A 9-page publication that describes the state program that provides cash assistance to needy persons. Part of the Public Assistance Programs series. October 2024.
  • General Assistance: An Overview
  • Minnesota Supplemental Aid
    A 9-page publication that describes the state program that provides supplemental cash assistance to people who are aged, blind, or disabled. Part of the Public Assistance Programs series. October 2024.
  • Housing Assistance Programs
    A 14-page publication that describes programs that provide housing assistance and are administered by the Department of Human Services and the Department of Health. November 2021.
  • Housing Support Program
    A 9-page publication that describes the Housing Support Program (formerly Group Residential Housing), a state program that provides payments for room and board and related housing support for eligible people. Part of the Public Assistance Programs series. November 2024.
  • Nutrition Assistance Programs
    A 17-page publication that describes nutrition assistance programs, including federal Food Support and state-funded food assistance programs. Part of the Public Assistance Programs series. November 2024.
  • Programs and Services for People Experiencing Homelessness
    A 10-page brief explaining the state programs and services that are designed to support people experiencing homelessness. February 2024.
  • Supplemental Security Income
    An 8-page publication that describes the federal program that provides cash assistance to people who are aged, blind, or disabled. Part of the Public Assistance Programs series. October 2024.
  • State-Funded Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Programs
    An 10-page summary of the MHFA programs that promote affordable housing throughout the state. May 2022.

Minnesota Family Investment Program

Public Assistance Programs

A series of publications that describe state and federal programs that provide assistance in the form of health care, income, food, housing, and child care

  • Overview of Public Assistance Programs
    A 13-page publication that provides a broad overview of the programs that provide health coverage, financial assistance, and other benefits to Minnesotans. Part of the Public Assistance Programs series. November 2024.
  • General Assistance
    A 9-page publication that describes the state program that provides cash assistance to needy persons. Part of the Public Assistance Programs series. October 2024.
  • Minnesota Family Investment Program
    A 29-page publication that describes MFIP, an income assistance program for eligible low-income families. January 2025.
  • Minnesota Supplemental Aid
    A 9-page publication that describes the state program that provides supplemental cash assistance to people who are aged, blind, or disabled. Part of the Public Assistance Programs series. October 2024.
  • Supplemental Security Income
    An 8-page publication that describes the federal program that provides cash assistance to people who are aged, blind, or disabled. Part of the Public Assistance Programs series. October 2024.
  • Medical Assistance
    A 25-page publication that describes Medical Assistance, including its eligibility requirements, benefits, and funding and expenditures. July 2024.
  • MinnesotaCare
    A 14-page publication explaining eligibility requirements, covered services, and other aspects of the program. October 2024.
  • The Child Care Assistance Program
    A 15-page publication that explains the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP), which is a federal-state program that subsidizes child care expenses for low-income families. December 2024.
  • Housing Support Program
    A 9-page publication that describes the Housing Support Program (formerly Group Residential Housing), a state program that provides payments for room and board and related housing support for eligible people. Part of the Public Assistance Programs series. November 2024.
  • Nutrition Assistance Programs
    A 17-page publication that describes nutrition assistance programs, including federal Food Support and state-funded food assistance programs. Part of the Public Assistance Programs series. November 2024.

Public Health

Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities

Youth & Minors' Rights


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