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House & Senate Broadcast Television Schedule - a list of upcoming events

Friday, Mar. 28, 2025

* Legislative television programming is produced and created by the Minnesota House of Representatives and the Minnesota Senate *
* Due to the fluid nature of legislative activity, programming changes may take place on short notice *
* All programming is closed captioned *

8:00 a.m. – (delayed broadcast) Portion of House Health Finance and Policy Committee from Wednesday
HF1011 (Bierman) Optometrists prescribing and administering drugs limitations modified.

8:56 a.m. – (rebroadcast) House Ethics Committee from Thursday
Committee Rules for Elections Contests.
Tabke Election Contest: Scheduling Order.

9 a.m. – (live) House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee
HF2432 (Novotny/Moller) Protection from report of fictitious emergency extended to all state or local correctional employees; Tribal Nation access and use of community supervisions services subsidy clarified; post-incarceration supervision provisions codified; obsolete administrative rules repealed; various other public safety, judiciary, and corrections provisions modified; and money appropriated.

12:00 p.m. – (live – joined in progress) Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee
SF1812 (Westlin) Certain filing dates and reporting requirements modifications.
SF1851 (Westlin) Misrepresentation of campaign authority prohibition.
SF1854 (Westlin) Reprisals prohibition for refusing to communicate with public or local officials.
SF2384 (Westlin) Election administration provisions modification.
SF2776 (Westlin) Department of Human services policy bill sections on background studies, Department of Corrections reconsiderations, kickback crimes, and appeals division worker protections Pending floor referral 3/27/2025.
SF832 (Boldon) Licensed certified midwife definitions modifications; certified midwife licensure establishment; licensed certified midwife services medical assistance coverage expansion.
SF983 (Boldon) Community Engagement Response Team appropriation.
SF2847 (Boldon) Statutory forms pertaining to garnishment modification.
SF1503 (Oumou Verbeten) Facility fees prohibition for nonemergency services provided at provider-based clinics.
SF2099 (Oumou Verbeten) Victim notification extension to order for protection and harassment restraining order violations not prosecuted.
SF2825 (Oumou Verbeten) Child abuse victims protections related to interviews apply to all recordings clarification provision and changes to terms used in statutes that punish creation, distribution, and possession of sexually explicit materials involving children proposal provision.
SF2826 (Oumou Verbeten) Petition to court for relief from stay of adjudication authorization provision.
SF1577 (Seeberger) Artificial intelligence generated child sexual abuse material and possession, sale, creation, dissemination, and purchase of child-like sex dolls prohibition provisions.
SF2212 (Seeberger) Crime to obstruct certain first responders by approaching or remaining too closely after being warned.
SF2546 (Seeberger) High-fidelity wraparound grants establishment; mental health services for incarcerated youth authorization; appropriating money.
SF631 (Anderson) Period of time that a criminal investigation is active regarding investigative data modification.
SF856 (Gustafson) Office of the Inspector General creation and appropriation Chapter 13 provisions.
SF1067 (Carlson) Process provision to review case files of cold case homicides at the request of certain family members and to potentially conduct reinvestigations of these cases.
SF1119 (Maye Quade) Access prohibition to nudification technology.
SF1827 (Abeler) Court ordered payment for comprehensive assessments covered by medical assistance or the behavioral health fund prohibition provision.
SF1918 (Dibble) Consent to electronic monitoring requirements modification.
SF1995 (Pappas) State fire marshal account establishment and appropriation.
SF2746 (Latz) Law enforcement agencies tracing and reporting on recovered or confiscated firearms requirement provision.
SF1055 (Gustafson) Domestic abuse advocates prohibition from disclosing certain information.
SF1907 (Oumou Verbeten) Notice requirement to crime victims when an offender files an apology.
SF2200 (Pappas) Confidentiality establishment for restorative justice practices participants SF2200 testimony was taken on Wed. 3/26, amended, and laid over. The bill will be taken from the table to complete additional amendments before being laid over again..
SF2299 (Clark) Children's advocacy centers inclusion as a victim assistance program entitled to a portion of certain fines provision.
SF2574 (Gustafson) Government data sharing in certain circumstances authorization provision.
SF2857 (Westlin) State Guardian Ad Litem Board appropriation.
SF2861 (Westlin) Forensic navigator services appropriation.
SF2885 (Westlin) Government Data Practices Act modification; Official Records Act modification.
SF2984 (Pappas) Minnesota Secure Choice Retirement program penalties for noncompliance addition provision.
SF2985 (Pappas) Minnesota Secure Choice Retirement Program Act administrative and technical changes provisions and commissioner of employment and economic development requirement to disclose information provision.
SF3002 (Oumou Verbeten) Mitigated departures provision for certain offenders who have been victims.

HOUSE WEBCASTS: To review the schedule:

SENATE WEBCASTS: To review the schedule: