House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee
Friday, Mar. 28, 2025 9:00 AM
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HF2432 (Novotny/Moller) Protection from report of fictitious emergency extended to all state or local correctional employees; Tribal Nation access and use of community supervisions services subsidy clarified; post-incarceration supervision provisions codified; obsolete administrative rules repealed; various other public safety, judiciary, and corrections provisions modified; and money appropriated.
MONDAY: The Minnesota Legislature is on a break for Eid on Monday. No meetings are scheduled.
Monday, Mar. 31, 2025 8:00 AM
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The Minnesota Legislature is on a break for Eid on Monday, so no meetings are scheduled.
TUESDAY: Session Daily Update
Tuesday, Apr. 1, 2025 12:10 PM
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Updates from the House.
TUESDAY: House Floor Session
Tuesday, Apr. 1, 2025 12:15 PM
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House Floor Session.
Panel hears governor’s proposal to cut $685 million from education budget over next four years (3/27/2025 5:07:00 PM) Research on controlling invasive species among projects in $103 million environmental trust fund bill (3/27/2025 4:44:00 PM) House bill could boost state's green ammonia industry (3/27/2025 4:33:00 PM) House legislators push for mandatory child care center video surveillance (3/27/2025 3:30:00 PM) Omnibus liquor bill includes provision allowing 17-year-olds to serve alcohol in restaurants (3/27/2025 1:00:00 PM) Bill would correct wording in law, ensure visitation rights for nursing home residents (3/27/2025 12:25:00 PM) Lawmakers propose maintaining increased funding level for entrepreneurs support program (3/27/2025 12:16:00 PM) Bills permitting new drone uses for law enforcement draws privacy concerns (3/26/2025 6:45:00 PM) Minnesota's child care regulations in need of game-changing overhaul, House lawmaker says (3/26/2025 6:34:00 PM) Bill aims to limit costly, time-intensive data requests to schools (3/26/2025 5:48:00 PM) Digital driver's licenses? House lawmakers consider bill to put IDs on your smartphone (3/26/2025 5:30:00 PM)