House Television Webcast and Mobile Streaming Schedule
Impacts of Earned Sick and Safe Time and Paid Family and Medical Leave policies on school districts and educators.
HF2 (Davis) Mandatory fraud reporting required when a state agency employee has reason to suspect the existence of fraud, grant management requirements strengthened, and criminal penalty established.
Discussion of the governor's budget proposal.
Public testimony of the governor’s budget.
Permanent Rules of the House for the 2025-2026 Biennium
Review of committee rules.
State Guardian ad Litem Board presentation.
Minnesota Sustainable B3 Building Guidelines.
HF4 (Johnson, W.) Portion of projected future budget surpluses required to be returned to state taxpayers, and constitutional amendment proposed.
Minnesota Chamber Foundation Report, "Streamlining Minnesota's Environmental Permitting Process: Essential for Economic Growth".
HF8 (Heintzeman) Efficiency of Wetland Conservation Act determinations improved, efficiency of environmental and resource management permit application process improved, Pollution Control Agency permit process modified, reports required, and money appropriated.
Office of Higher Education overview and budget presentation.
Issue overview and member discussion:.
- The awarding of the ‘University of Minnesota Outstanding Community Partner’ Award to Communities United Against Police Brutality by the Office for Public Engagement.
November Forecast and anticipated education revenue presentation.