Rep. Tina Liebling
Capitol G3
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
III. HF 1855 (Greenman) Veterans benefit services federal accreditation required, service providers guarantees of benefits prohibited, and remedies and civil penalties provided.
IV. HF 102 (Curran) Circumstances under which the public authority must direct support to an obligee modified.
V. HF 1082 (Moller) Grant funding provided to organizations providing direct services and advocacy for crime victims, and money appropriated. [pending referral]
VI. HF 1354 (Moller) Scope of video made available by Bureau of Criminal Apprehension limited for officer-involved death investigations.
VII. HF 2184 (Feist) Office of Ombudsperson for American Indian Families exempted from court fee requirements.
VIII. HF 1792 (Mahamoud) Contracts for deed; definition of investor seller modified, and technical changes made.
IX. HF 2296 (Howard) Clarifying prohibition on landlord disclosure of victim information. [pending referral]
X. HF 2429 (Elkins) Sharing of governmental data authorized in certain circumstances.
XI. HF 2543 (Reyer) Various statutory forms pertaining to garnishment modified.
XII. HF 2566 (Reyer) Process for removing fraudulent business filings established, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
XII. Adjournment
Committee discussion of all bills will be limited to the provisions within the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee. Items may be taken up in any order, items may be added or removed at the chair's discretion.
TESTIMONY: If you would like to testify on a bill, please email the Committee Administrator, by 12:00 PM the business day before the hearing. Include the bill number, your name, title, and/or organization where applicable, and whether your testimony will be in support of or opposition to the bill.
WRITTEN TESTIMONY & HANDOUTS: Please send electronically in accessible .pdf format to the Committee Administrator, by 12:00 PM the business day before the hearing.
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