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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Chris Swedzinski (R)

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Legislative update

Friday, March 21, 2025

Dear Neighbor,

The House is now back to full strength, with 134 members seated after a special election took place last week in a Roseville/Shoreview district. It’s the first time since 1979 the House has been split 67-67, creating a rare dynamic as we look to pass a new state budget and adjourn on time May 19.

A projected $6 billion shortfall adds to that challenge, and we need to solve it without raising taxes even one more dime on Minnesotans who already are overburdened. We need to address the citizens’ needs after Democrats overspent when they had full control of the Capitol the last two years.

Here is the latest from the House:

Democrats defeat bill to return surplus dollars to taxpayers

House Democrats on Monday voted down a Republican bill that would allow citizens to decide if a portion of future budget surpluses should be returned to taxpayers.

This bill simply ensures that when Minnesotans are overtaxed, excess funds are returned to them rather than being spent on partisan projects, by creating the Minnesota Tax Relief Fund.

It prevents politicians from treating budget surpluses as a license to go on a spending spree, funding new government programs that permanently expand the size of the state budget. Whether it’s families, farmers, small business owners, or retirees, Minnesotans agree the benefits of a surplus should go to taxpayers, not government bureaucrats.

Enshrining the principle of surplus returns in the Minnesota Constitution safeguards taxpayers from future overreach and promotes financial accountability in state government. This bill (H.F. 4), would help prevent a repeat of what happened in 2023, when Democrats in full control of the Capitol spent the $18 billion surplus as part of a 40-percent increase in the state budget – raising taxes by $10 billion along the way.

Specifically, this bill proposes a constitutional amendment question on the 2026 general election ballot, asking voters to decide whether future budget surpluses should be automatically refunded. Any projected revenues that go over 5 percent of projected expenditures according to the last biennial budget forecast will be used to fund the account.

Unfortunately, the bill failed to pass after a 67-67 party-line vote.

St. Paul visitors

Here are just some of the folks who were kind enough to come to St. Paul and discuss issues with me recently:

Constituent Tim Siegert of Madison Bottling Company


Disability Services Day at the Capitol participants


Minnesota Land Improvement Contractors of America representative Stu Frazeur, a Canby constituent


National Ag Day

nat ag day

National Ag Day was earlier this week and I just want to take a moment to thank all the hardworking farmers in our area and throughout the nation. Your dedication keeps our families fed, our communities strong, and our state and nation moving. From early mornings to long days in every season, your work doesn’t go unnoticed. You provide food, fuel, and resources that we all depend on in our daily lives. Farming is hard work and I appreciate the commitment and the sacrifices you make to keep this industry going in Minnesota. Your efforts make a difference, and I am grateful for all you do.

Until next time, have a good weekend and please stay in touch. Let me know how I can help!

