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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Luke Frederick (DFL)

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Legislative Update - Tomorrow’s Town Hall

Friday, March 21, 2025
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Dear Neighbors,

Just wanted to give you a quick reminder about tomorrow’s Senate District 18 Town Hall I’ll be hosting with Sen. Frentz.

We’ll be at the Intergovernmental Center in the Mankato Room, starting at 10am.
District 18 Town Hall

There’s a lot going on at the state and federal level that I’m sure we’ll cover, along with any other questions, concerns, or ideas you may have. We’re hoping for a great turnout, and I’d love to see you there too!

How We Treat Substance Abuse Disorders

I presented several bills in the Human Services Committee yesterday, all focusing on how we treat substance abuse disorders (SUD) in Minnesota - whether that’s improving the way SUD treatment providers operate (HF 1963), increasing payment rates for SUD treatment providers (HF 1994), or enabling some "comprehensive assessments” for SUD to be reimbursed by Medicaid (HF 1995).

SUD Hearing

It’s going to take all of us working together to address substance abuse disorders, which is why I’m proud all three of these bills have bipartisan co-authors in either the House or Senate. With multi-pronged solutions like these bills, we can support everyone in our communities and make Minnesota healthier. 

How Will Federal Education Cuts Impact You?

This week, the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) launched a public feedback portal at for parents, students, teachers, and community members to submit detailed accounts of the ways recent Executive Orders and abrupt federal education cuts are impacting schools and children across our state.

More than 860,000 students in Minnesota depend on stable partnerships that have existed between their school communities, MDE and the U.S. Department of Education across administrations. For decades, the federal investments facilitated through those partnerships have played a key role in ensuring students in Minnesota receive the support they need to learn and thrive, including:

  • $256 million for students with disabilities
  • $192 million for students from low-income backgrounds
  • $27 million for academic enrichment
  • $6 million for students in rural schools
  • $38 million to support children living on military bases or Native American reservations
  • $100 million for Career and Technical Education workforce development programs

If any of these cuts impact you and your family, please let us know!

Stay Connected

With session underway, the Minnesota House of Representatives Public Information Services will once again be offering nonpartisan recaps of high-profile bills, committee hearings, and floor sessions with their Session Daily publication. Subscribe to receive these here. To track bills of interest through the legislative process, I encourage you to utilize the MyBills feature on the Minnesota House of Representatives’ website. You can also visit my House of Representatives website.

Regardless of whether you can join us at our Town Hall, I welcome your questions and comments anytime. Also, be sure to let me know if you’re coming up to the Capitol! We had more “Days on the Hill” this week, including folks from Minnesota’s disability community. Over 50 of our neighbors made the trip from Mankato to have their voices heard and advocate for disability services. 

Disability Advocates

You can send an email to or call me at (651) 296-3248. Also, please visit and “like” my Facebook page for more Capitol and community updates.

Thank you for the privilege of representing you in the legislature.



Luke Frederick

State Representative

5th Floor, Centennial Office Building
658 Cedar St.
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-3248