This week, DFLer David Gottfried was sworn in as the House’s 134th member after winning a special election for an open seat in Roseville. That means the House is back to the 67-67 tie voters delivered in November, and the previously negotiated co-governing agreement is now in effect. House committees will rotate gavels, with DFL and Republican co-chairs setting their respective agendas and bill hearings.
I’m looking forward to coming together on the places we agree and finding compromises that move our state forward. I’m already working on multiple bills that can get bipartisan support, and I’m dedicated to fighting for a responsible state budget that helps working families thrive and protects Minnesotans from the chaos coming out of Washington.
Manufactured Housing Bill of Rights - Standing with Community
We made a powerful statement this week when dozens of manufactured home community residents and advocates joined me to introduce the Manufactured Home Park Resident Bill of Rights (HF 2381)!
Our manufactured housing communities are some of the last truly affordable housing in the state. It’s critical that we stand up for these communities and residents.
This bill does a few important things:
Limits unreasonable rent increases by capping them at 3%
Creates a true opportunity for residents to purchase their parks
Press Conference With AG Ellison - Fighting Fraudsters
I joined Attorney General Ellison to announce the introduction of my bipartisan bill that will beef up his office's ability to prosecute Medicaid fraud.
One duty of government is to safeguard public funds so they don't fall into the hands of scammers and fraudsters, particularly when those funds are meant to provide health care for low-income folks.
Help a family in Blaine cut through red tape to get the disability services they need for their daughter who has both severe developmental disabilities and Type 1 diabetes
Provide additional tools for the Attorney General’s office to investigate and prosecute Medicaid fraud
Expand Minnesota’s nation-leading Child Tax Credit to include 18-year-old children
“Supercharge” the targeting property tax refund so people whose property taxes increase by more than 6% would get a special refund from the state
Upcoming Town Hall - Come Say Hello!
I am hosting a town hall on Tuesday, April 1, at 7 pm, at the Mary Ann Young Center with fellow Anoka County legislator, Rep. Kari Rehrauer.
I encourage you to come by to learn about the 2025 session and share your thoughts.
You can sign up for the town hall and presubmit questions here.
Stay in Touch
Please feel free to reach out to me by email at or by phone at 651-296-2907. If you have a friend, neighbor, or relative who wants to receive updates about the Legislature, let them know they can subscribe to my email list here, and follow my Facebook here. It’s an honor to represent our community. Please stay in touch!
Matt Norris, District 32B 5th Floor Centennial Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155