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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Keith Allen (R)

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Legislative Update 03.21.25

Friday, March 21, 2025

Legislative Update

Dear friends and neighbors, 

This week marked another change in the tide here at the legislature. There was a special election last Tuesday in the Roseville/Shoreview area to fill the final seat in the House. The new member was sworn in on Monday, which brought the House back to a 67-67 tie. There are a few operational changes resulting from this change. The biggest difference is that our committees are now co-chaired, alternating between GOP and DFL control every other day. However, this co-chair rule does not apply to the Fraud and Oversight Committee, where Rep. Kristin Robbins remains the sole chair and the committee has 5 GOP and 3 DFL members. Also, Speaker Demuth remains the sole Speaker of the House! Going forward, bills must have bipartisan support to even make it to the House floor, so working together across the aisle is as big a focus as ever. So that’s the latest update, but I am excited to share everything else I did this week with you!


On Monday, we voted on several bills, with most receiving broad bipartisan support. One bill that did not pass was HF4. This bill aimed to amend the Minnesota Constitution to require the state to return excess tax revenue collected beyond the approved budget through a one-time refund or tax reduction. If the bill had passed, voters would have had the final say in 2026 on whether those surplus funds should be returned to them.

Unfortunately, House Democrats opposed the bill and voted it down along party lines. This decision is part of a larger trend of excessive government spending and a lack of focus on fiscal responsibility. Instead of returning surplus tax dollars to the people who earned them, Democrats chose to maintain control over the funds. The GOP Caucus, however, remains committed to ensuring that taxpayer money is used responsibly and that any surplus is properly returned to the people of Minnesota.

“Got Milk” Bill

I have been working on this bill, HF2387, called the “Got Milk” bill for several weeks. It now has a bill number and a companion bill in the Senate. This is a bipartisan bill that aims to reduce food waste and save taxpayer money by allowing students to take milk without having to purchase a full meal. Currently, students are required to take a complete meal to receive milk, leading to significant waste and unnecessary costs. This bill would eliminate that requirement, helping schools save money, reduce food waste, and make more efficient use of resources. The change would also lower waste disposal costs, benefiting both schools and taxpayers. If passed, it is expected to take effect in the 2026 school year, providing an immediate financial impact on schools and helping streamline meal programs.

Committee Chair for a Day

I had the chance to chair the Commerce Finance and Policy Committee due to the chair being out for the day. It was a fun experience, I really appreciate the trust that my colleagues placed in me and the chance to try something new!

Mankato Hockey

I had the pleasure of attending the MSU Men's Hockey Game with President Inch last weekend. They pulled out the win and are heading to the Mason Cup Championship game against St. Thomas this weekend. Horns Up!

Meetings this Week

We celebrated Eid at the National Guard Armory on Wednesday night. It was a great community event to recognize this holiday.


I met with community education from Janesville-Waldorf-Pemberton schools. It is good to keep in touch with those in the education sector to better understand how policies effect our students and schools.

Community Education

I had a great meeting with a few Minnesota Land Improvement Contractors. They do important work in regards to the development of our communities as we move and grow.


I also met with Terri and Nicole Menard from the Faribault area of our district. They came to talk to me since they were at the Capitol for the Minnesota Land Title Association Day on the Hill. 

Land Title

I got to meet some local FFA students as they toured the Capitol for National Agriculture Day. We got to go to the Speaker's Rostrum and snap a photo. I also met with the MN Farm Bureau from Rice County and Goodhue County for National Ag Day.


Last but certainly not least, I met with some constituents who came for Disability Advocacy Day on the Hill. They came from Faribault to discuss the impacts of the governor's budget on adults with disabilities in greater MN. 


Please Contact Me

I am here for you! If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to talk, I can be reached by phone at 651-296-8237 or by email.

Thank you!

Keith Allen Signature