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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Katie Jones (DFL)

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Legislative Update- March 21, 2025

Friday, March 21, 2025
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Dear Neighbors,

Good news! With a newly elected Democrat in the Roseville-area seat, the Minnesota House of Representatives is finally back to the 67-67 tie. The power-sharing arrangement, which my DFL colleagues and I tenaciously advocated for is now taking effect. Committees have equal GOP and DFL membership, and gavels will alternate between co-chairs. I’m excited to continue serving on and now being able to make a greater impact in the House Transportation Finance and Policy, Energy Finance and Policy, and State Government Finance and Policy committees.

There’s a lot to cover, so let’s jump right in.

Over these few weeks, I was making the most out of the GOP’s temporary one seat advantage, despite the slew of hyperpartisan, harmful bills we saw pushed forward, including repealing Paid Family and Medical Leave, rolling back reproductive freedoms and progress on renewable energy, excluding our immigrant community from eligibility for the North Star Promise scholarship program and MinnesotaCare, and banning trans kids from sports. 

Last month we voted down a bill that would have halted the Blue Line extension for two years, needlessly driving up the cost of the project by $2 million. I spoke out against the legislation, sharing how this would negatively impact transit users in our area, like Loring Park resident Bryce. You can watch it here.


The State Budget

Our main task this session is to pass a balanced budget. The most recent forecast from March showed more than a $3 billion surplus and the highest budget reserve ever– another $3.5 billion, thanks to responsible budgeting over the 2023-2024 budget cycle. Our current forecast shows Minnesota's projected positive balance is $456 million. The challenge comes in 2028-2029 where the forecast shows a deficit of $6.1 billion due to demographic changes and greater health care needs. 

I am cautiously optimistic about Minnesota's ability to get a budget done and on time. To do that well though, we need governance and collaboration at the federal level. Instead, the Trump/Musk administration is engaged in trade wars & slashing critical programs our most vulnerable and marginalized neighbors rely on- putting Minnesota & our nation at real risk. How accurate will our budget be if Trump/Musk tank the economy or if we can't be certain that federal funding, which constitutes a third of our spending, will be available to Minnesotans?  

I’m especially concerned about the proposed cuts to Medicare and Medicaid and how this will impact more than 25% of our state's population, including 650,000 children and 125,000 Minnesotans with disabilities. A number of state legislators on the other side of the aisle  sent a letter to their congressional counterparts urging them to stand up against these cuts, as they’ll hurt people who rely on these services in all corners of the state. I hope this show of support for public health means they’ll join us this session in strengthening health care and MinnesotaCare, rather than cutting it as some have proposed. 

Protect Medicaid

When I was elected, I made a commitment to the people of our Minneapolis neighborhoods to build bridges and work with all of my colleagues to find solutions that will foster a stronger future for our state and a more vibrant community for all residents. To that end, I’m working on legislation that aims to do just that. 



One of the first bills I’ve introduced would create a Local Business Construction Impact Assistance Program, so small businesses impacted by construction projects aren’t financially harmed or forced to shutter. The policy would also require proactive steps to ensure local small businesses have a clear construction communication plan. While we’ve seen this far too many times in Minneapolis, this is a statewide issue impacting mainstreet businesses in every corner of Minnesota. Entrepreneurs and small businesses attract talent, provide vital services, and create more vibrant communities.

Another bill I’m carrying and have had a public hearing on would allow for the construction of a couple Malcolm Yards-style Food Hall in our district. HF 1876 would allow the city of Minneapolis to issue a food hall license for a food hall at 501 30th Avenue Southeast and another for a food hall located at 800 LaSalle Avenue. This will add to the vibrancy of Minneapolis, not only benefiting our local residents, but also economically by attracting more visitors and sales tax revenue. 

I’m also working with a bipartisan group of legislators to carry a package of legislation we’re proposing to build more housing. You can read more about the proposal here

Representing you at the Capitol is a collaborative process, and I welcome your thoughts on policy. For those of you who have reached out, I’m reading emails and learning about your priorities, and I do my best to be responsive.


From Community to Capitol

Minneapolis nurses representing the Minnesota Nurses Association stopped by recently to advocate for safe staffing ratios in order to provide the best care our constituents deserve.

Rep. Jones and nurses


I met with Jewelean, a Minneapolis constituent and advocate for Minnesotans experiencing homelessness. We discussed her experience and the experiences of people she cares about, and discussed a spectrum of strategies to combat homelessness. 



I was grateful to have met with constituents with Rise & Repair, a tenacious organization dedicated to advancing legislation on climate justice & Indigenous rights. Indigenous communities possess invaluable traditional knowledge of sustainable land management, vital for combating climate change. Thanks for coming to the Capitol to visit with me!

Rise and Repair


It was fun to learn about all the great programming of the Boys and Girls Club from swimming to financial literacy to inventing new songs.

I also had the opportunity to meet with Teri Drake, a Minneapolis constituent who was here for Care Providers of Minnesota Day at the Capitol. In this meeting, we discussed the importance of investment in long-term care.

Rep. Jones and Teri



Update for Opioid Prescriptions Administered in Outpatient Settings

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced it is requiring manufacturers of opioid analgesics dispensed in outpatient settings to make prepaid mail-back envelopes available to outpatient pharmacies and other dispensers as an additional opioid analgesic disposal option for patients. Starting March 31, these free, prepaid mail-back envelopes will be available to you when you pick up your opioid prescription at the pharmacy. You can learn more information about the program here.


Keep in Touch

Due to technical constraints, direct replies to this newsletter won’t reach my inbox. Please feel free to contact me directly at or 651-296-9281 with questions, feedback, or ideas. You’re welcome to follow me on my official Facebook page or BlueSky account for more community and Capitol updates.  

It’s an honor to represent our Minneapolis neighborhoods of Central Downtown, Elliot Park, Loring Park, the Wedge, Harrison, Bryn Mawr, East Isles, Lowry Hill, Kenwood, and Cedar-Isles-Dean in the Minnesota House.

Have a great weekend!


Katie Jones
State Representative 


State Representative Katie Jones

5th Floor, Centennial Office Building
658 Cedar St.
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155

Phone: 651-296-9281
Email: (replies to this newsletter are not monitored).
Legislative Assistant: Taylor Her 651-297-8195

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