Minnesota House of Representatives
District 40A 651-296-3751 – rep.michael.nelson@house.mn
351 State Office Building, 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55155
Peter Grafstrom (651) 296-5524
April 9th, 2015
SAINT PAUL, MN – Tonight Governor Mark Dayton gave his fifth State of the State Address to a joint session of the Minnesota House and Senate. The Governor made his case for building on two years of economic growth, increasing graduation rates, and creating more opportunity for middle-class Minnesotans. He also argued for a comprehensive, long term solution for Minnesota’s impending transportation needs. State Representative Michael Nelson (DFL – Brooklyn Park) was in attendance and issued the following statement:
“The Governor made an outstanding case for why we need serious solutions for our transportation infrastructure crisis. He has a plan that doesn’t rely on gimmicks or debt and would be paid for by the people who use the roads. It makes sense, and it’s what we’ve always done.”
Governor Dayton also urged passage of a jobs oriented bonding bill. “The Governor is right to take advantage of rock bottom interest rates and fix up some of our state colleges, our facilities and put people to work who are still recovering from the Great Recession,” said Nelson.
Rep. Nelson can be reached by phone at 651-296-3751 or by email at rep.michael.nelson@house.mn.