SAINT PAUL, MN—The Minnesota House of Representatives approved the final passage of the House Job Growth and Energy Affordability Conference Committee Report (SF1456) Monday on a bipartisan vote of 87-43. The Conference Committee Report combines spending and policy provisions aimed at making energy in Minnesota cleaner and cheaper for consumers, and creating new and better paying jobs throughout the state.
“This bill will mean lower costs for ratepayers and Main Street businesses,” Garofalo said. “Thanks to innovative job training programs and funding to leverage private investment, we will help train workers and grow jobs in all corners of the state. This bill addresses the concerns of stakeholders on both sides of the aisle, and I am grateful for the involvement of the governor and his staff.”
Highlights from this bill include:
The bill passed the Senate on a bipartisan 46-20 vote earlier in the day, and is now on its way to Governor Dayton.