ST. PAUL - Following the news that Governor Walz has allowed the reopening of Minnesota's Largest Candy Store while many rural small businesses are forced to remain closed, State Representative Rod Hamilton (R-Mountain Lake) said the nearly two month process of state government being ruled by one individual must come to an end.
"Judging by the large number of calls and emails I’ve received, the Governor’s decision to reopen the Candy Store has put people completely over the edge," Hamilton said. ”The continued practice of picking winners and losers within the business community and prohibiting things like camping are unacceptable."
Hamilton notes that while many Main Street businesses in southwestern Minnesota town sit empty due to Governor Walz' executive orders, large retailers that have been deemed "essential" by the Governor's Office are thriving. Hamilton notes that everyone seems to agree that employee protections need to be implemented, that social distancing must be practiced, and that hand washing and embracing other precautions are necessary. He also stresses that Minnesota needs to prioritize protect our nursing homes, the elderly and the most vulnerable.
"It’s long overdue for the Governor to start including the legislature in the decision making process - we have coequal branches of government for a reason," Hamilton said. "Members of the House and Senate have a better pulse of what people are demanding in the areas they serve, and their voices need to be included in the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic."