Dear neighbors and friends,
The Easter and Passover break has concluded and we returned to St. Paul on Tuesday to begin wrapping up the 2017 legislative session. Here is an update:
Five weeks to go
We have a full agenda ahead as we complete the budget process before the constitutional adjournment deadline of May 22. Most finance bills have been passed and either are in conference committee or will be shortly. House and Senate conferees were appointed by the Speaker of the House to compare the different versions of each finance bill. Governor Dayton will also be very involved in the process as we seek to reach agreement on the final budget.
Groups at the Capitol
Each day, several advocacy groups come to the Capitol to meet with legislators for their “Days on the Hill.” This week, groups include Habitat for Humanity, Outfront Minnesota, the Minnesota Zoo, Minnesota Street Rod Association, Minnesota Water Action and Wind Energy.
Yesterday, people from all across Minnesota filled the Capitol in support of protecting our water for Minnesota Water Action Day. People traveling from all corners of the state to show their support for issues they are passionate about is awesome. Their dedication to making Minnesota the best possible state is inspiring.
Conservation and Energy Meet-and-Greet
I will be joining Conservation Minnesota for an informal discussion on conservation topics such as renewable energy, clean water, recycling, and more. Senator Chuck Wiger and Representative Peter Fischer will also be there. This is a great opportunity to connect with your neighbors as well as sharing your concerns. This is an open meeting for folks who live in the White Bear Lake, Oakdale, North St. Paul, Maplewood, and Mahtomedi areas who care about conservation and the environment.
The meeting is will be at the Maplewood Public Library in the Community Program Room on Wednesday, April 26th at 7:00 p.m. The address is 3025 Southlawn Dr, Maplewood, MN 55109.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I am here to represent you!
Leon M. Lillie
State Representative