ST. PAUL - Despite being prevented from duly organizing, State Representative Paul Torkelson (R-Hanska) said Minnesota House Republicans continue to show up for work every day and do what is expected of them at the Capitol.
“In spite of this impasse, Republicans remain hard at work,” Torkelson said. “We are doing what we can to keep the train on the tracks and be prepared to conduct official House operations.”
For example, Torkelson said he met recently with local township officials in St. Paul to discuss their priorities and concerns. He is also hearing from county officials who are concerned about the governor’s budget proposal. Torkelson said Walz’s plan puts a heavy burden on counties as it would shift numerous expenses from the state to the county level, which some estimates show could cost between $700,000 to $800,000.
In addition, as chair of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, Torkelson has been meeting with chairs of each finance committee to discuss budget proposals that will ultimately become part of end-of-session negotiations.
“We may not be allowed to have floor sessions or official committee hearings, but that isn’t stopping us from doing the work that at some point will need to be done,” Torkelson said. “It’s work our constituents expect us to do, and it’s work that House Republicans are eager to do.”