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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Peggy Scott (R)

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Legislative Update (Sept. 16, 2015)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

I hope you’re enjoying a couple final days of summer weather before we head into fall. I wanted to get in touch with you to make you aware of an important event I attended last Wednesday.

I was fortunate to attend a pro-life rally in front of the governor’s mansion to ask Governor Dayton to investigate the Planned Parenthood Federation of America clinics in our state. Over 1,000 citizens and a number of state legislators joined together to demand justice for the unborn.

Peggy joined other legislators at the pro-life rally.

As many of you already know, there have been a number of disturbing undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress which allege the selling of aborted fetal body parts by Planned Parenthood. A recent video shows how Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. (ABR), an organization that operates in Minnesota, may be associated with the practice of buying and selling aborted body parts and organs.

In the video, while discussing the procurement and sale of fetal body parts, an ABR employee states, “We also have clinics in San Diego, in Oregon, in Minnesota, and we soon will be starting in New Jersey and Philadelphia.” Minnesota Statutes 145.422 clearly bans the buying and selling of “a living human conceptus or nonrenewable organ of the body.” Shouldn’t this be enough to warrant an investigation into Minnesota’s Planned Parenthood clinics? Even after hundreds peacefully rallied outside his home, the governor still believes that Planned Parenthood does not need an examination into their potentially illegal practices.

As a legislator, I have been, and will continue to be, an advocate for life. Even if we do not agree on this issue, I think we can find common ground that the buying and selling of fetal body parts has no place in our state. In the 2016 legislative session, I hope we make strides to ensure that this practice is not taking place in Minnesota.

During the interim, feel free to contact me if you have a question, concern, or are in need of assistance. You can reach me at (651) 296-4231 or

