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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Peggy Scott (R)

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Monday, May 15, 2017

ST. PAUL, MN—On Thursday, the Minnesota House of Representatives passed a bill, HF179, authored by Rep. Peggy Scott, R-Andover. The bill removes the ability of the Department of Public Safety’s (DPS) to track the location of ignition interlock program participants. The legislation also requires ignition interlock vendors to provide a notice to their clients regarding any location tracking capabilities of the device.

The bill passed on a unanimous vote of 125-0.

“It’s encouraging to see unanimous support to protect Minnesotans from being tracked by their own state government,” said Scott. “We want DUI offenders to use the ignition interlock system because it’s proven to protect against DUI recidivism, and helps keep our roads safer for all. DPS tracking of these individuals deters the voluntary participation in this important program.”

DPS is currently not subject to rule-making. This bill institutes the rule-making process and the increased public scrutiny and input provided by the rule-making process.

“Our unelected state agencies shouldn’t be in the business of making sweeping policy changes,” said Scott. “Something as serious as tracking Minnesotans should have the full public vetting of the legislative process. We want to eliminate these abuses of power going forward and protect Minnesotans.”

Now passed by the House, HF179 heads to the Minnesota Senate.
