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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Peggy Scott (R)

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Legislative Update (May 31, 2017)

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Dear Neighbors,

As I sent out last week, the legislature completed our state budget for the next two years. It was a long process, but worth it when we look at the final result. Just yesterday, the governor signed all our budget bills into law. This means we’ll see $650 million in tax relief, billions in road and bridge funding, and some needed projects in our area.

Anoka County will see some big benefit from our bills. Here in Andover, we received needed funding to clean up the WDE Landfill. I’m proud to advocate for these funds; our area needs this to sanitize this site going forward.

The Hanson Blvd. railroad crossing is also receiving funding. This was a project that dates back years. If you’ve ever driven this stretch of Hanson, you know how badly we needed to make it safer and more streamlined.

On top of that, some local roads and bridges will see improvement thanks to our transportation and bonding plans. This was an issue I heard so much about, and I’m happy to see the budget reflect a need to invest in roads and bridges.

As we start summer, I want to put a fun event on your calendar. August 11-13 marks the Grand Opening Celebration for the Minnesota State Capitol! Fireworks, concerts, and tours of our remodeled Capitol highlight the weekend. For more information, please click here.

As always, please stay in touch if you need anything.
