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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Peggy Scott (R)

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RELEASE: Rep. Scott Passes Family Law Legislation

Monday, April 16, 2018

SAINT PAUL, MN – On Monday, Rep. Peggy Scott, R-Andover, passed her bipartisan bill, HF3295, off the House floor on a unanimous vote of 125-0.

The bill would allow unmarried parents to file a joint petition, modifying current statute which only allows for joint petitions for divorcing couples. The change would give parents an opportunity to work out a parenting plan and other negotiations before presenting it to the court. This can reduce the animosity between couples, save money, and can help lead to better outcomes for children.

“Current law does not allow for this valuable method of resolving custody and parenting time matters for unmarried parents,” said Scott. “My bill is one way to make this difficult process easier on parents, and, more importantly, the children involved. I’m thankful to have unanimous support for this bill, and hope to see Governor Dayton sign it into law this session.”

Now passed by the House, HF3295 goes to the Senate.
