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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Peggy Scott (R)

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Legislative Update (Feb. 13, 2015)

Friday, February 13, 2015


It is an honor to serve as your voice at the Capitol as so many pieces of critical legislation are introduced. I am thankful for your voice in the process, and appreciate hearing your thoughts and concerns as we discuss the issues that matter to you and your family.

Commissioner Pay Increases

The Capitol has been buzzing this week with the news that Governor Dayton has provided his commissioners with $1.3 million of pay increases over the next biennium. For several of his commissioners, this means a more than $40,000 increase in salary with no change in responsibilities. We are shocked by Governor Dayton’s blatant disregard and misuse of your hard-earned tax dollars. My colleagues and I are hard at work to try to account for this large increase in administrative spending, as well as working to ensure that legislative oversight is given for all future pay increases.

Protecting Your Rights

I’ve authored a constitutional amendment to clarify that your electronic communications and data are free from unreasonable search and seizure, just as you are now secure in your persons, homes, papers, and effects. This constitutional amendment will ensure that new 21st Century communications are protected just as much as your other personal property. I’m proud to be leading the fight to guarantee that your rights are wholly protected!

This week we had hearings on police body cameras and license plate readers. While I understand that law enforcement uses these tools to ensure the safety of their officers and catch criminals, I am working hard to find a policy solution that balances the rights of innocent people who are subjects of the data gathered, with law enforcements' uses.  I will continue to work with my colleagues and community stakeholders to protect your right to privacy while being sympathetic to their needs.

As always, please stay in touch to discuss your thoughts and concerns on legislation before the House. You can schedule an appointment to meet with me in Saint Paul by calling my Legislative Assistant at (651) 296-5813, or email me to share your thoughts directly at Make sure that your friends and family are up-to-date by encouraging them to sign up for my email updates here.


Rep. Peggy Scott