CROOKSTON, Minn—On Friday, November 20, 2015, the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) announced funding for 15 broadband projects in Greater Minnesota including a $424,460 grant for Halstad Telephone Company. The grant will go toward building infrastructure in Gentilly Township in Polk County to provide high-speed internet to local households and businesses. Halstad Telephone Company will provide a 54 percent local match for a project totaling $931,000.
Representative Deb Kiel (R-Crookston) congratulated Halstad Telephone Company on the grant:
"Improving broadband in our community will help our local businesses, enable more effective agricultural management and bring quality, reliable internet to families in Greater Minnesota. From the classroom to the farm, broadband internet access is essential for our rural communities, and I am excited about the positive benefits this infrastructure improvement will bring to Polk County.
I would like to congratulate Halstad Telephone Company for receiving this DEED grant. We appreciate your efforts on behalf of our community!"
State Rep. Deb Kiel serves District 1B, which includes the counties of Pennington, Polk, and Red Lake. She can be reached at, 651-296-5091, or 537 State Office Building, 100 MLK Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55155.