Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Here is an update from the Capitol.
February Forecast
Earlier this week, the Office of Minnesota Management and Budget released the February economic forecast which shows our state’s surplus grew by $250 million to $1.65 billion. This is the eight straight budget surplus showing a positive balance for the state of Minnesota.
As our budget surplus grows, Minnesotans continue to wonder when tax relief will be coming. House Republicans want to turn our state’s surplus into a surplus for hardworking taxpayers too, and we will be advocating to return money to you through an extensive middle-class tax relief package this session.
The February forecast information will be used to craft the budget for FY 2018-19 which we will put forward later this session. My priorities will be to limit government growth and pass a responsible state budget that funds our shared priorities including tax relief, education, and roads and bridges.
House File 1126
I am carrying a bill this session that will modify some of the requirements for restricted driver’s licenses related to farm work. House File 1126 would increase the unaccompanied driving limit from 20 miles to within 40 miles of the farmhouse.
This is a simple change that helps our future farmers get to their fields, pick up parts and contribute to the success of the farm. It passed the Transportation and Regional Governance Committee earlier this week and is now on second reading.
House File 812
In the Health and Human Services Reform Committee this week, they heard my bipartisan legislation that requires facilities that perform ten or more abortions per month to be licensed, meeting the same requirements as outpatient surgical centers.
This is a commonsense bill that expands safety and protection measures to abortion facilities just like other outpatient surgical centers across Minnesota.
Uniform Labor Standards Act
On Thursday, the House passed bipartisan legislation that makes private employer employment regulations uniform, preventing local governments from imposing wage or benefit requirements on private employers. This is something that has been traditionally set by the state government since statehood.
I supported this legislation because a patchwork of city ordinances discourages business growth, makes conducting commerce in our state more difficult, and creates enormous bureaucratic headaches. I believe that Minnesota businesses and employees can and are working together to improve best practices including wages and benefit packages. This bill will promote economic growth, higher employment and small business growth.
If I can ever assist you or your family on a matter of state government, please don’t hesitate to contact my office. I am here to serve you!
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