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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Debra Kiel (R)

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Capitol Update from Rep. Deb Kiel

Friday, January 30, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

Here is an update from the Capitol.


Advocates of Greater Minnesota Priorities Come to the Capitol

This week, there were a number of fantastic groups that came to St. Paul to meet with legislators and talk about issues important to them.

On Monday, I attended the Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance (GOCRA) rally. This group does a great job advocating for our second amendment rights, and it was great to hear from so many supporters!

On Tuesday, the Farm Bureau Presidents meeting was held in St. Paul. As a farmer and representative of rural Minnesota, I know how important it is to support organizations like the Farm Bureau. Advocating for Minnesota agriculture is extremely important, and I’m glad I was able to attend this week.

Finally, on Wednesday the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities held their Legislative Action Day and reception. It was great connecting with so many out-state leaders advocating for Greater Minnesota initiatives.


Governor Dayton’s Budget Proposal

On Tuesday, Governor Dayton released his proposed budget for FY2016-17. Included in his budget are $903 million in tax increases for the biennium and a substantial $3 billion general fund spending increase.

Some highlights of his proposal include more money for MNsure, for the new Senate Legislative Office Building and no new money for our rural nursing homes.

Additionally, this week Governor Dayton also highlighted his plan for transportation funding, which is based off nearly $9 billion in new taxes plus other tax and fee increases over the next decade. One of his proposals includes a new 6.5 percent gas tax at the wholesale level which will encourage people in border towns to buy gasoline across state lines and also take more money out of the family budget. I believe this new gas tax disserves people in rural areas who are already driving greater distances.

And while I am opposed to raising taxes and fees on hardworking Minnesotans, I do understand that fixing our roads and bridges is a top priority in Greater Minnesota. Earlier this session, House Republicans introduced a plan that will use $200 million in surplus money, implement cost savings at MnDOT and use a portion of the unreserved Trunk Highway fund balance to put $750 million in additional spending toward our roads and bridges over the next four years—without raising taxes.

I believe we can invest in our transportation infrastructure without having to go back to you for more money every two years. What’s clear is that with all of these tax and spend increases proposed by Governor Dayton, Minnesota families will continue to feel the impact of state government.

As for the House, legislative leaders will not form their budget until after the February forecast is released, and until that time, our committees will be hearing testimony from state agencies about the governor’s proposals. 


Northland Community and Technical College

Last Friday, I visited Northland Community and Technical College to hear more about their academic programs and share what’s happening in St. Paul that will affect higher education.

It was great to talk with these folks and hear more about their priorities!


If I can ever assist you or your family on a matter of state government, please don’t hesitate to contact my office. I am here to serve you!

Have a great weekend!


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