Dear Neighbors,
Thank you to the over 600 people who took the time to share their thoughts by taking my 2015 Legislative Survey! Your input is valuable to me and will be very helpful as we continue to debate these important issues at the Capitol.
Here are the survey results:
Under Minnesota law, Sunday liquor sales are illegal in Minnesota. Do you support repealing this law, allowing liquor stores to sell alcohol on Sundays?
Yes 28.9%
No 64.0%
Undecided 7.0%
Governor Dayton and the Senate DFL majority have proposed adding an additional 6.5% sales tax to fuel sales to fund transportation projects. Do you support this proposal?
Yes 15.5%
No 76.1%
Undecided 8.4%
From your perspective, what is the best way to grow jobs in Minnesota?
Increase state funding for construction projects across Minnesota 6.1%
Pass tax relief and incentives to encourage business growth and job creation 31.7%
Limit state spending to the amount of revenue taken in and slow government growth 28.8%
Use surplus funds to offer income tax relief so taxpayers can keep more of their hard-earned money 18.5%
Raise taxes and increase spending on state programs 1.2%
Increase education funding and focus on workforce development 13.7%
Do you support or oppose the federal court decision to prohibit hunting of gray wolves?
Support 12.9%
Oppose 68.3%
Undecided 18.7%
Do you believe state funding for nursing homes and long-term care programs for seniors and the disabled should be:
Increased 66.5%
Kept the Same 29.4%
Reduced 4.1%
Please select any of the following that apply to you:
I am a veteran/active member of the military 19.2%
I have children in school 12.6%
I have children in daycare 3.8%
I have children in college 10.2%
I am retired 50.7%
I own a small business 26.7%
What mode of transportation do you use to get to work, the grocery store, etc.?
I drive myself 95.4%
I carpool or rely on others for a ride 1.6%
I take the bus 1.5%
Other 1.5%
Thank you again for sharing your opinions with me!
Hearing on Avian Flu in Turkeys
On Thursday, the House Agriculture Policy and Finance committees held a joint hearing on the growing crisis of avian flu which is affecting turkey farms across the state. Minnesota is the largest producer of turkeys in the U.S.
During the hearing, we heard from agriculture advocates, farmers and government officials about the bird flu that has killed nearly 1.5 million turkeys in Minnesota to date, either because they have died from the virus or have been killed to prevent the spread of the disease.
Minnesota scientists, farmers, and both state and federal government agencies are coming together to try and solve this problem. It take all of us to fix it, and I am hopeful we can stop the spread of this disease soon.
And for all of the turkey farmers in Minnesota, I want to remind folks that it's still safe to eat turkey, so enjoy!
If I can ever assist you or your family on a matter of state government, please don’t hesitate to contact my office. I am here to serve you!
Have a great weekend!
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