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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Tim O'Driscoll (R)

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Rep. O'Driscoll Legislative Update

Monday, March 3, 2025



As the month of March is nearly upon us, we are seeing an increase in activity in the Minnesota House as bills being brought to the floor and committees are hitting their stride.



This week, Governor Walz’s transportation commissioner unveiled a report highlighting problems associated with the Northstar Commuter Rail line. The Minnesota Department of Transportation and Metropolitan Council leaders say they are looking to replace it with bus service to better provide more “cost-effective transit service.” House Republicans have legislation moving forward that would meet the transportation department’s wishes. Expect more follow-up on this topic in the weeks ahead. 



In the commerce committee in which I chair, we have been reviewing the cost of required mandates in health insurance contracts. Over the last several years, Minnesota has adopted additional mandate requirements, and those costs are ultimately passed on to consumers through higher premium costs.



Reinsurance mitigates increases in health insurance premiums by limiting the exposure of health insurance companies to certain claims, typically high-cost claims. It’s been a successful program proven to lower health insurance premiums for those who purchase plans on the individual market.


As many of you know, I have worked hard over the years on keeping Minnesota’s reinsurance program viable. The program is set to expire this year, as will the federal tax credits that are supporting it. If a solution is not found, individual market shoppers could see a 35% -50% increase in their premium costs.



The annual “sea of blue” took place at the Capitol this week, as FFA students dressed in their trademark blue jackets visited with lawmakers in St. Paul as part of FFA Day on the Hill.


It was great to meet with FFA students from Sauk Rapids High School. On Friday, I will likely see them again as I will be visiting the high school to discuss state government with students.



This week I was able to meet with the members of the following organizations:


  • Local county commissioners
  • Teamsters members
  • Luman
  • Rocket Mortgage


Thanks to all who stopped by!



As always, I'm continuing to support constituent needs. Feel free to contact me anytime at or by phone at 651-296-7808.


Have a good weekend,

