I am proud of the work being done thus far in the legislature, and am committed to introducing and discussing bills that maintain Greater Minnesota’s bright future. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your voice in St. Paul.
Improving Transportation
I’m committed to improving transportation in our district and statewide. I’ve authored HF259, which seeks funds to expand State Highway 3 in Sauk Rapids. Additionally, my colleagues and I are currently working on a proposal to expand I-94 to six-lanes in both directions between Rogers and St. Cloud. I believe this bill is imperative to ease congestion and improve travel times for you and your family. I look forward to discussing these bills with my colleagues as they move through the House.
Honoring our Veterans
I’m so thankful for the veterans who have given all to protect our freedoms. I understand that transition back to civilian life is often difficult, which is why I’ve co-authored HF10, a bill that will create a tax credit for employers that hire veterans. It is imperative that we ensure success for those among us that have sacrificed so much to ensure that we enjoy the same freedoms and civil liberties we have held for centuries. I will also be introducing other bills that support the needs of our veterans as this session progresses.
Protecting our Seniors
As the Greatest Generation enters long-term care facilities, it is important that we ensure a great quality of life for each and every senior. I’ve co-authored HF3, which will expand the health professional education loan forgiveness program to those who choose to work in a care facility dedicated to aging adults or those with disabilities, expand training scholarships for those in the nursing profession, utilize current programs to train workers to fill positions in care facilities, and encourages investment in long-term care savings plans. I’m proud to prioritize the care of our seniors this session.
If you’ll be visiting St. Paul, be sure to set up a time to meet with me in my office by calling my Legislative Assistant at (651) 296-7808, or contact me via email at If your friends and neighbors haven’t signed up for my legislative updates yet, encourage them to stay informed by signing up here.
It is an honor to serve you.
This Day in History: In 1855, the first bridge crossing the Mississippi River was opened between Minneapolis and Nicollet Island. The toll was five cents for a round trip for a human, fifteen cents for a horse, and two cents per sheep.