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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Chris Swedzinski (R)

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Legislative report

Thursday, January 24, 2019

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Dear Neighbor,

As big a thrill as it is for students from throughout the state to visit the Capitol in St. Paul, I get just as big a kick out of meeting with kids from our district in the House Chamber. You just never know what questions they are going to come up with and their wide eyes always remind me just how fortunate we are to have this treasure of a state Capitol in Minnesota. Thank you to the group from St. Edward Catholic School in Minneota (pictured above) for making the trip to the Capitol this week and I look forward to visiting with other students this session.

March for Life

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I also enjoyed seeing so many people come to the Capitol for this week’s March for Life event. The purpose of the march is to “commemorate the lives lost to abortion (and the women and men who have been hurt as a result) and to call for renewed respect and protection for all members of the human family, including unborn children and their mothers.”

Thanks again to everyone who rallied for this good cause, including Diane Hennen, Madeline Swedzinski and David Hennen (pictured with me above). I will continue to support the unborn in the House.

Letter to Pelosi and Schumer

I was among a number of House members who signed a letter to Congressional Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Leader Chuck Schumer, urging them to work with President Trump and Congressional cohorts to secure our Southern border and end this needless partial shutdown of our federal government. Even Minnesota Congressman Collin Peterson has asked fellow Democrats to compromise and provide funding for the wall to end this shutdown.

The letter we sent reads, in part: “You can end this shutdown tomorrow by putting forward a good-faith proposal to adequately fund a border wall and security measures on our Southern border. It should be a bipartisan priority to put an end to the flow of illegal drugs, human trafficking, and unlawful entry of individuals into our country – we urge you to reach an agreement with the President and Republicans in Congress to end the shutdown and improve the safety and security of the nation.”

Click here for the full letter.

I will be back with more as things develop at the Capitol. Committees are starting to conduct hearings for bills that have been introduced and in upcoming emails we will take a look at some of what is up for discussion.

