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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Chris Swedzinski (R)

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Statement from Rep. Swedzinski on Walz 100% clean energy proposal

Monday, March 4, 2019


ST. PAUL, MN—Rep. Chris Swedzinski, R-Ghent, Republican Lead on the House Energy and Climate Finance and Policy Division, issued the following statement regarding Governor Walz's proposal to move Minnesota to 100% clean energy by 2050.

"Governor Walz's extreme energy proposals would cause Minnesotans' energy bills to skyrocket, force the closure of reliable and cost-effective power plants, and puts Minnesota all-in on technology that simply cannot provide the reliable power you need to keep the lights on and heat your home in the winter. The recent cold-snap showed how important it is to have an energy grid that is reliable and won't falter even during the worst polar vortexes—betting on unproven technology will be expensive and risky for the state.

"Rather than bending to every demand of environmental activist groups by blocking the Line 3 pipeline and backing expensive energy mandates, the Governor should embrace a true 'One Minnesota' all-of-the-above energy strategy that ensures Minnesotans have energy that is reliable and affordable."
