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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Chris Swedzinski (R)

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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

ST. PAUL - The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) has recently received reports of unsolicited packages of seeds from China being delivered to Minnesota residents. State Representative Chris Swedzinski (R-Ghent) said the seeds have not been identified, and because of this planting them could pose a significant risk to Minnesota's farm fields and environment.
"People just need to be vigilant and use some common sense if they receive a package of seeds they did not order," Swedzinski said. "We already have enough problems in our area with Palmer amaranth. The last thing we should be doing is planting some unwanted seeds from China as it could be another noxious weed that is impossible to control."

The ag department also noted that residents in other states have also received the suspicious packages. It recommends the following if you receive unordered seeds in the mail:

" Do not throw away the package or its contents.
" Do not plant the seeds.
" Contact Arrest the Pest line at 1-888-545-6684 or and provide your name, contact information, and the date the package was received.

Swedzinski noted that the MDA is working with the United States Department of Agriculture's Smuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance Program on identification and destruction of the seeds.